We do not need Google Street View in Japan. It make so many problems in Japan !



We do not need Google Street View in Japan.7

"A serious problem of proliferating explosively
on the day of the service beginning of street view is watched. "(7)
..".. day of service beginning of street view
A serious problem of proliferating explosively is watched" (7):

Manabu Kitaguchi

On the night, August 20, 2008 Eyes were doubted writing a huge bulletin board at 9:13:57.
A redoubtable tremble ran in the line of the backbone.
"This is unexpected. "
The manuscript of the writing schedule will turn next time, take the dawn in the emergency,
and finish up this manuscript. It burns when it is an urgent, important development of a
situation that might roll all parts of the world.
It is a moment when it overflows with discrimination, the mental abuse, and the personal
attack by the distorted unhealthy anonymity peculiar to Japan and writing the restored huge
bulletin board was seen.
Do the deletion request by the reason for privacy etc. and the image of the Google street view
to the screen at the street corner that became jet-black there
"What image on earth were you in this place that had been deleted?"
There was writing. And, it was a little and was written the loess. With the deleted photograph
「It is here to be erased. Leather might be dried. 」
It was an affixed contribution named URL that indicated the place "Uploader" with writing.
It is possible to preserve it in my PC by seeing the photograph in the house assumed to be
deleted when the URL is clicked.
Impact of meaning of writing and action of several lines of this huge bulletin board.
When it is unquestionable, all are collapses of the logic of the Google Co. that has insisted
obstinately. thorough in privacy, and correspond to the deletion request
The photograph open to the public in the place called an uploader is an image quality
that the Google street view is obviously taken a picture and has opened to the public.
What correspondence might the Google Co. on earth do to this situation?
Street in length, urban area, and the central area of Tokyo from street view Japan service
opening on August 5 to the public. Spectacle. Isn't it irresponsibly wise to all parts of
the world at this moment now at once to discontinue it wide-ranging a large amount of
images and digital information on the residential quarter? serve in Japan Google that
keeps being indicatedBecause people who cannot relieve it thanks to the Google street
view Japan service are [de] one after another, ..

This is a thread of the problem.

156 the ..person.. former: Nameless @ stomach is full. [↓]: 2008/08/20 (Wednesday) 20:02:41
http://maps.google.co.jp/maps?Ie=UTF8layer=ccbll=35.650843, 140.062641panoid=qZVNEEa9tM8KlLAH _ 625002566 (omission), and 0, 4.652233183333264ll=35.658656, 140.068302spn=0.015552, and 0.045533z=15

The image from the north side of this house is erased. Though it was an anxious article etc.
It is a home of [kimutako]. When it is a parents' family, it is [warosu].

It is here to be erased. Is leather dried?
Http://uproda.2ch-library.com/(omission). Jpg
・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Digital information can be copied and be preserved in the preparation. As for the digital data
discharged into the net, the copy preservation is easily done once. It is a matter strongly
described in this serial (5). The voice of impatiently making it to cannot the deletion easily
even if the deletion request is done to the Google Co. is seen here and there to a blog here
and there and the homepage. Moreover, there are a lot of voices that the next day and the
image that does the deletion request have revived as before, too, when having deleted it
even if relieved feeling relieved.
It is not possible to be relieved when deleted. The Google society happens, and the thrown
digital image everyone only for the image drips, is copied, preserved by the third party, is
exposed on the net to be able to do up-loading and inspection, and the thing "It is a house
where this was deleted" has happened.
The image that has already become too late and irrecoverable is open to the public in a dignified
manner though the image that drips, throws digital data, and involves some invasion of privacy
is opened to the public, the deletion request comes, and it deletes it in the place where the
management of the Google Co. doesn't reach when almost permanent.
Google Co. that opens it to the public all over the world without taking a picture without
permission by no permission, turning, and obtaining approval.
In the explanation of Google Japan to the privacy problem
「When the image is opened to the public, Keiichi Kawai (・・・・・) who serves as the product
manager in charge of the map product with Google explains, "It is thought that it doesn't
care by basically opening it to the public if it is what of it takes a picture from the public
road as a result of examining it in the law". Moreover, it was described that it wanted to
correspond by receiving the report from the user here because the link "Reported on an
improper image" was prepared on the help screen of the street view and dealing about an
improper image. 」http://internet.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/news/2008/08/05/20489.html

It can be said that it is exposed that the countermeasure to the privacy maintenance of
the Google Co. was to have had the meaning and the function to defend citizens' human
rights and privacy completely any longer in two service beginning weeks, and clearly
exposed of the powerlessness of the correspondence of Google. The anxiety described in
serial (5) has occurred in the worst appearance. Service of the street spectacle image opening
to the public will keep beginning in a Japanese society where the anonymous writing culture
that doesn't see the example so much spreads to Japan and another country that can buy
cheap, efficient PC with the image can easily copied onto PC and various street photographs
be for fun open to the public from [tanoda] regardless of [shinnise] , saying that "The deleted
black paint place is here".

The case with this Japan will arouse an international concern. It is a matter of time that
spreads to Europe and the United States, etc. as large news from Japan. The country that
is uneasy, worries about the service offer of the Google street view all over the world, and
bets the stop from the aspect of human-right violation is the majority. The group, the citizens,
and human rights NGO that is related importantly develop an active discussion with a lot of privacy
problems for a serious problem and one year or more only as for this service though
there are a lot of countries where the Internet is widespread in Europe and there is
no country in Europe. The mass media reports on the privacy problem every day also
in the United States.
It seems to pull a lot of concerns of the citizens again with the speech field and media of
Britain in the EU administration of justice and to be turned an active criticism to this service.
If this event of Japan was spread to Europe and the United States where the human rights
group continues lobbying, the large echo is sure to be created. The explanation of
"It was not a privacy problem because it deleted the problem image" and Google on which
it insisted obstinately in forcible failed. What can it fulfil one's responsibility this situation
in Japan?
Moreover, up-loading and the aging problem to another site with the deletion request
and malice for a peculiar village problem to Japan are suffering of a more serious problem
and the person concerned, and human-right violations.
This event of Japan will give a big impact to EU nations such as Britain, France, Germany,
and Italy.
And, service and Google Japan that began : in Japan though it knows the existence of a huge
bulletin board to which a peculiar anonymous discrimination writing to it is about the
consideration of a peculiar discrimination against outcast people to Japan to the problem
and Japan is flooded. The possibility to be brought in to Commision on Human Rights, the discrimination prohibition committee, the International Covenants on Human Rights social
right rule, and the freedom rule committee at which the discrimination problem of Japan is
discussed is high.
Serious discrimination and the question of personal rights are caused, and the official
account "Consideration to the deletion and privacy" that the Google Co. has explained
all over the world as a serious problem and a countermeasure is powerless at all.
The current state to which pouring away and invasion of privacy progress might exceed EU
and the frame named Japan in the United States at a dash, and Commision on Human Rights etc.
come to be exposed under the daylight by the individual report system and NGO reports
etc.International code concerning economical social, cultural right (A rule) and "Direction of
the future where unofficial meeting concerning discrimination based on occupation and world
system (Geneva in March, 2006) was based", for Yozo Yokota (special reporter concerning the
abolition of professor of Chuo University and United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion
and Protection of Human Rights "Discrimination based on the occupation and the world system") etc. ,
I think that I should report to the place of those United Nations in various shape of the
discrimination agitation by the Google street view use that the people discriminated
by Japan have faced this time etc.
Naturally, the problem will be instituted to the place of the United Nations as for present
service of Google Co. Japan the way things are going. Managers will deliberate lower
reputation like any whether the Google Co. receives all over the world.
Being able to become an opportunity that various foreign countries begin to use is what
in the individual report system to the victim United Nations for the pro-human right and
the privacy protection etc. writing and the photograph publishing "It is powerless and meaningless
for the privacy of Google" that happened in Japan on the 20th of only two lines invent.
This [ke-zu] "The deletion image is exposed on a huge bulletin board" of Japan will reach
people who put the Google street view of Europe and America in question in less than no time ,
saying that "Impact news".
Japan..culture..now..still..happen in succession..anonymity..foreign resident in Japan..
handicapped person..discrimination..village..people..cruel..huge..bulletin board..write
in..Japan..human rights..consideration..propose..problem..image..application..delete..privacy..measures..do..collapse.
I think that I can peel off all over the world and should send information from Japan.
Only the network and the dissemination with people in all parts of the world to which it keeps
making an effort to note a similar question of personal rights in Australia in Switzerland in Germany
and to prevent unrestricted of the Google street view service beginning and being developed seem
to be strong now when it is important timing in Britain.
As for the Google Co. street view to have disclosed a digital image information of a lot of street
corners now, do people who should say the victim receive pains purposely, should take by the
deletion request, and the unpleasantness and the anxiety by a lot of people, and how develop
a business liability and a social duty to the question of personal rights as the enterprise that
acts in Japan with the current state in which it is made burdening a mental pain and uneasiness
the future now?Isn't it natural to have to do big work?。The world must pay attention, and because
it is connecting directly with the corporate image.
If the project with the sincere response and the effect immediately is not started, it is likely
to be thought Google Co. Japan to be an enterprise of an unexpected image from all parts of the
Though it will explain gently to the Google Co. in this manuscript because I am not a person
concerned to whom the body, the house, and the car, etc. are open to the public in the street view,
isn't not not neither it a person concerned, it open to the public moving to immediate
correspondence nor an enterprise of the justice and the conscience , saying that youths
who watch and "I want to make only the fruit of one's loin happy establishing the society
where it doesn't discriminate unjust painful" as for the net of people who are unpleasant
feelings and villages to be discriminated? can imagine minds of parents who are wishing
even a little
(Continue. )

A postscript is added, and the erroneous findings of fact under the serial is [pekori] that
is the correction.
It is a description correction in serial (2) sentence. It is a misunderstanding and let me
correct it by a new access to information, please.
・The mail address was registered during half a year from being able the dance and it became a
system named inspection free of charge though everyone was able to inspect freely at first
by service "Location view".
(When the memory of old times was considerably retraced again, remodeling HP was recalled
not to be done very thoroughly. )
・In France"It is [kaketeorimasu] in a French constitution as for collision [surutomatta]. "
In correction → France"Seem to make it to opening an extremely limited area such as
shopping streets where the course and the approval of downtown [yatsu-ru] [do] France
were gotten to the public when colliding with a French constitution. "

・Service was stopped in Canada. It is the following in the domestic law that becomes the grounds.
Privacy Legislation
The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents A
The serial blog article is the following in the past.
・ Do ..past.. ..sentence [mogo].. [warami]. the village problem and the blog (Be serializing it)
related to the street view
"A serious problem of proliferating explosively on the day of the service beginning of street
view is watched. "

Related information HP ..(.. JAPANESE )
(Continue. )


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