We do not need Google Street View in Japan. It make so many problems in Japan !
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.".. day of service beginning of street view
A serious problem of proliferating explosively is watched" (10): The north exit study. It attracted of where ..MIAU sponsoring ‘' "Street view" held the day before yesterday.. and the net report concerning ..problem.. MIAU symposium ‘' attracted attention. It was in the yahoo news when 18:35 August 28 articles on Impress Watch appeared in "Technology access ranking" the third place of yahoo Japan. http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20080828-00000038-imp-sci It seems to have that the acknowledgment of the height of the concern from Internet user to service of Google street view and involving the privacy problem extends in the background by there are quite a lot of people who read the above-mentioned by the Internet. "Google street view" A day when about 70 percent turned over, was open to the public of the investigation result announcement of information site "[Burocchi]" for the ・・・・ blogger in the morning, and attracted attention uneasiness [da] to violations of privacy. http://blogch.jp/up/2008/08/28100106.html When their official pages are referred, it is explained, "Arbitrary group to consolidate the dissenting opinion to ..contents.. download from an illegal site" , saying that MIAU "Internet advanced user's meeting". http://miau.jp/ (official MIAU page) It looked forward to the report on the net of the content of that day because I had wanted to participate if it was possible to do with the concern very much at time when the symposium holding notification was made several days ago on MIAU official page. Many of the report to which homepage [dede] of MIAU was able to be inspected were introduced today. It is welcome for me who was not able to participate by business. MIAU is one of the organizations that watch an opposite declaration and the appeal since before, etc. on the net for various net restrictions etc. with the concern from the appearance. It is an access ranking honest wonderment in ..the third place.. terrible though this and becomes a very important symposium and it thought attention to be will not a collection. Many of the report concerning this symposium were picked up from the MIAU homepage etc. http://snowland.net/nucleus/?itemid=1967 http://internet.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/news/2008/08/28/20682.html (It was thought that the comment of Mr. Kawamura of Japan Housewives' Association was good. ) http://sho.tdiary.net/20080827.html#p01 (However, HP of nothing but doing it. ) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kagigotonet/20080828 ([okadayuuhana]'s report and problem arrangement) http://blogmag.ascii.jp/kodera/2008/08/28122151.html http://shinyai.cocolog-nifty.com/shinyai/2008/08/miaugoogle_live_dba3.html Do in the international [tanoha] of can the desire [uyamawa] university Department of Humanity and Science cultural subject associate professor when you can grip the flow of the discussion about the hall most?It was following HP of the teacher from whom the cyber act was researched while teaching the computer and the media theory in Department of Humanity and Science. " Experiment on ICHINOSE BLOG MIAU symposium "Think about the Google street view "Problem"":Live Blogging. " It is an entitled page and in a vivid hall, ..appearance.. wonderful, that discussion [ga] can read. 「From the [uyamawa] university in Niigata Prefecture Shibata City. To a cyber act, an Asian culture, a networked society, and other personal giving whole mind. 」It is in entitled HP. http://shinyai.cocolog-nifty.com/shinyai/2008/08/miaugoogle_live_dba3.html HP of ([okadayuuhana]'s report and problem arrangement) also beautifully refreshingly described the content of the symposium, it descended, and I thought legible. "[Un;un]" and it was able to have the sympathy in feelings (HP of free nothing but doing it). The organization named MIAU 「・・・・Environment to which system to defend existing system doesn't limit development of technology. We collect opinions from users such as the Internet and digital devices to achieve the above-mentioned environment, and propose the policy to the policy side. 」 It describes with official HP, and it is organized to act and to enlighten it by presenting an objection in legally, the restriction when it is possible to do, and the restriction. I also am wishing, and the freedom of development and the expression with wonderful Internet is noted of new late of the technology and the development of legal systems inventing an important human-right violation, succeeded to, and serialized to an inspection and an easy regulatory control also though is an idea that it should be careful by the idea called an integrated society. The activity of MIAU is seen with the desire "There is a part where consideration and the restriction are necessary that seems to be necessary though the activity to which the restriction is opposite is understood, too" from the stance of me who is attaching importance. Opposite to the restriction and suppression in the society where the freedom of the one-party tyranny, the militarism, thought, and the expression is not guaranteed is important. However, it thinks the tight attention of the negative part and problem to the science and technology to the technology for developing rapidly and the construction of a necessary restriction and the rule to be an important thing. I thought panelist's Mr. Hatta's insistence to be the astonishment one in the meaning. It thinks so because of the remark "What the problem is not understood" though there are a lot of problems, and the response of various foreign countries and explanations of the lawsuit and the device are being performed at the beginning by Mr. Tsuda though it is a symposium of the title "Think about the problem of the Google street view". Surprise. However, to invent the controversy point of doing, and to understand as ・・・・ that is disadvantageous time of the post [riwoshi] for significant time the symposium (sweat), this surely : an on purpose sensational remark , saying that "If the point under discussion doesn't become clear, those who come cannot enjoy it". Makiko Kawamura who takes charge of field related to IT and copyright as other panelists and regular committee of Japan Housewives' Association who can be telling it even by reported articles that tell symposium that "Internet watch" reported, the secretary-general of the Winny event defense lawyers, and is it [dan**hika], is lawyer's it associate professor of Senshu University, and is the meaning that arranges down shot [shi] impression named [fumufumu] in the remark of chairman of Japan PEN Club and the speech expression committee [takeshifuto] Yamada as for on the net until present and the report from Europe and America? Moreover, making remarks to the reflection of the opinion of people who become accustomed to the Internet and are familiar and Mr. Kawamura's making remarks while there are a lot of reports represent the opinion of people that the edge is far from the computer (majority of Japan) and it can be thought a right most general opinion and the sense to draw close. It thinks of the part of unchanged in the place where it is a photograph of full loading for which one extracted individual information that in view of the side that is put URL for which it doesn't hope to an anonymous bulletin board, is added additive information for which it doesn't hope, and is open to the public to the world, was projected onto the PC monitor. The edit that takes a picture of tons of information the area coverage and mechanically is not intended, and it agrees in beginning more in unexampled service and, on the other hand the change in the consideration of privacy and human rights, it agrees to the opinion that it had to be careful. The logic of "A large amount of information that not is the edit intention and there mechanically" commenting is felt sorry at use on the discrimination anonymity bulletin board and not thought to be persuasive to resented people or me by me. It cannot be thought at all that it is a situation in which consensus is still obtained even if take a picture mechanically and said the intention of the edit. It steps on the [dehatoiu] remark of service [gaaru] of no goodness in Japan though it might be good in the foreign country ..stepping... http://internet.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/news/2008/08/28/20682.html Mr. Kawamura's reproof etc. seem to be near though it seems to tend to handle the net venture and those who use the net as the net is brief ..this reported symposium report.. and to be handled multi squids or opinions of the promotion sect by all means greatly by the sponsor and the reader. the policy of my serial It was regrettable that the problem of a peculiar discrimination against outcast people to minority's human rights and Japan was not able to touch from which panelist's mouth for me who had thought that there was a big influence in the formation of the public opinion of "Google street view" problem beforehand by the report of the flow and the report of the discussion about this symposium. Human rights..discrimination against outcast people..problem..reference..work..man..Japan..society..very..few..reduced drawing..reluctant.It thinks. However, the Sankei Shimbun etc. immediately after the street view service beginning think of the remark through [shite] "There is no concrete disadvantage" for a moment for a moment though were reported personal inquiries and the anxiety to the discrimination problem. Small number of people worry about the Google Co. or fear or snuggle or are ? in the person round-down for the service allowance and continuance. It is possible to think. Service of location view is paid to attention as the street view gets into the news. However, it comes to be able to see writing here and there by the service it that can be used for "Location view the height", a malignant writing, and the spectacle bleaching on the discrimination bulletin board such as "Two channels" as soon as eminence has risen because of the Google street view problem discussion. It is a surprise of me at a comment the following, that is, "Consideration is performed from Google" and "As much as one complaint has not come" though it is service of leaving loose of the use to discriminate to quite the same for the village problem the street view and the location view. Only the boast : though the anxiety to the village problem and personal inquiries is reported though it is good when the correspondence set to Japan was good. It doesn't generalize from only having the input of the mail address, no regular registration, and receiving the service of the hilt but the trouble very much and it is trowed though it was able to be inspected up to now simply only that eminence is low by the guest log in as [takaradeha]. Do honesty and I play a pilot role to investigate whether there is a criticism up to the Google street view service Japan opening to the public in Japan since the day when the location view service started?It thought of the head somewhere. Location..view..same..serious..clear..problem..hold..anything..street..view..change.. provide. http://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/0808/28/news032_2.html http://www.locaview.com/top/aboutlv.html http://takagi-hiromitsu.jp/diary/20080822.html Cannot everything able just to have started and to know. The discussion about the problem of the discrimination against outcast people and the street view. For instance, the patients' anti-discrimination of small number of "Hansen's disease", the right protection, and the movement of restoration of honor seem to have won big advancement in the numbers of people more far than people in the village to be discriminated in recent years. It can be thought that their approach and fight were small small movements when just starting. Let's think that it is because of beginning still be just talked about the problem of "Google street view and discrimination against outcast people". I think again that the remark etc. to participate in person concerned's person's desire, movement, and such a symposium still are important though I gradually write this serial. I think the thing of going out to the place to which the place and media of opening to the public pay attention in a Japanese society that remains discrimination while the trend of the public opinion is not clear and making remarks though it is regrettable that it was not either to be serious. It is thought that this Google street view problem has been left without there is separately an important cut still, and being talked besides the approach "Privacy" and "Discrimination against outcast people". There was writing the net like might the strategy of the Google Co. and the strategy, etc. the hit of the focus only to the privacy problem, too. I am this feeling. Think not only having keep the serial together with be a different [bochibochi] point under discussion. New..technology..development..social change..involve..contradiction..fault..extremely..first..small number of..person..discrimination..person..up..attack..appear..think.And, it is delayed that it is good, and it is glad. The problem becomes aggravated a sad event in the Internet that attacks discrimination and minority's people if there is no approach like an education, enlightenment, media literacy, and an affirmative action, etc. now. In addition, it seems to gnaw at our whole society. It can be thought very important time for healthy development of the Internet and the civil society. Because the system and the rule that defends small number of human rights of the person are systems that defend a lot of necessary, indispensable after all people. It is dissatisfied and regrettable though cannot actually participate in the site though is a content the analysis examination over this symposium that can be deepened further, and touched a lot of information this time when it relied on only various information it not was in site Tokyo. From the limit to [sara] and the criticism target this time t hough each report was read in sincerity. The current nine serials and the be doubled parts tend to increase, too and if a current serial can be reread for everybody, happiness. It is an extension and deepen [saseteteyuki]. add the quotation and the examination further by a serial content in the future (Continue. ) Extra;The following book was introduced on "Mixi" site. From Rakuten Ichiba http://item.rakuten.co.jp/book/4012113/ Do not take it without permission. There is a portrait right. Enlarged edition Takashi Murakami [ya] Blue bow company 【 content information 】("BOOK" From the data base. ) Record filming in suspect of "Crime prevention" video of street and event and victim's photograph of faces and expressways -Civil affairs and detective's huge trial records a re arranged and the establishment of the portrait right that is encircled, and infringed easily with privacy by the camera addition cellular phone by always and everyone in the contemporary society that can be taken a picture is instituted to the surveillance camera. 【 contents 】("BOOK" From the data base. ) In the beginning - In general view (a passive country = Britain and others to the protection of country = France/portrait that makes the judicial precedent early)/first detective court of the each country rule of taking a picture and making public, rule that arose outside rule (The portrait is a condition and others needed by the approval of/defended from taking a picture of without permission and making public taking a picture and making public)/ third court that came into existence in rule (Besides might being able to take a picture/that started from taking a picture by the policeman without permission) /the second civil affairs court that came into existence. (photograph and others related to/public figure's privacy from "Loan lowering photograph" to pool report) 【 author information 】("BOOK" From the data base. ) Takashi Murakami [ya]([murakamitakashi]) Ehime Prefecture birth in 1933. Graduation of Department of Literature at Waseda University. Highlights of experience are The Japan Newspaper Publishers and Editors Association examination department general managers, and secretaries-general of the mass communication ethics informal social gathering. (This data is the one published at that time at the time of be published this book. ) 2008-08-29 It is the Internet free translation service used I think that a rough meaning is transmitted though this doesn't have an accurate translation getting. The original is here. http://nostreet.exblog.jp/ PR | カレンダー
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