We do not need Google Street View in Japan. It make so many problems in Japan !
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"A serious problem of proliferating explosively on the day of the service beginning of street view is watched. "(6)
..".. day of service beginning of street view A serious problem of proliferating explosively is watched" (6): Manabu Kitaguchi "Google street view" in which the criticism is rising gradually from the service beginning "Entered the state that should be said, "Street view problem" slowly. " (INTERNET Watch) http://internet.watch.impress.co.jp/static/yajiuma/2008/08/18/ The tone of argument has come to be shown, too. Because it seemed to have to advance the discussion in various places, relation WEB collection was made. It can be thought even that it is a strategy such as defense lawyers of the Google Co. though is an impression "Privacy discussion" in which vagueness that regarding conditions of a country, the culture, and the individual is various remains that watches the discussion of this United States of one and a half years and the discussion about the world. It is an anxious point that the tone of argument that touches the question of personal rights with a Japanese society with an extremely serious peculiar discrimination against outcast people is a too little. A malignant writing using the street view of the Google Co. is flooded in a huge bulletin board from which writing the discrimination against outcast people is seen a lot every day. And, a malignant case like the extraction of the malignancy and the deleted part too and the repeated up-loading, etc. has been seen since yesterday. An anonymous bulletin board with a lot of discrimination slanders is the surprises at the malignancy like unusual. The deliberation of the Google Co. in the United States in human rights and the discrimination problem and the conscience and the social responsibilities as the enterprise of the representative in Japan is requested. Reference HP related to street view problem collection (The symbolical one that seems to be important it because of the high rank of the Google retrieval is picked up. ) ・ "Street view" handling introduction of Google Co. http://www.google.co.jp/help/maps/streetview/ ・ Explanation of Google Japan to privacy problem http://internet.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/news/2008/08/05/20489.html ・ It is too terrible and 2ch : a strange image to the festival. http://www.gizmodo.jp/2008/08/google_maps_2.html ・ It is an image of introduced Japan also in foreign countries. http://es.engadget.com/2008/08/09/la-indiscrecion-de-google-y-su-street-view/ ・ Report when it begins to serve the United States(one example) http://jp.techcrunch.com/archives/google-maps-now-with-360-streetside-views/ ・ Report when it begins to serve Japan(one example) http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/news/200808/05/sview.html ・ There are a lot of sympathy, too and it is translated into English and yucky service and the criticism blog are paid to attention also in foreign countries. http://www.higuchi.com/item/385 http://slashdot.jp/it/article.pl?sid=08/08/10/2344230 ・ Street view and privacy discussion bulletin board http://www36.atwiki.jp/against_streetview/ ・ Anxiety [uyamawa] university cyber act teacher's blog as tool of personal attack http://shinyai.cocolog-nifty.com/shinyai/2008/08/google_1ab4.html ・ Report that does image deletion claim to theft prevention(individual blog) http://yukky.txt-nifty.com/bikeblog/2008/08/post_649f.html ・ The street view is a page of privacy view popular blog [kikkosan]. http://kikko.cocolog-nifty.com/kikko/2008/08/post_d056.html ・ Blog concerning privacy problem http://blog.sakichan.org/ja/2008/08/16/on_google_stree_view_and_privacy http://japan.cnet.com/blog/watanabe/2008/08/15/entry_27012985/ http://www.geekpage.jp/blog/?id=2008/8/13/2 http://japan.cnet.com/blog/kurosaka/2008/08/09/entry_27012842/ ・ In the view location view of two domestic large streets age http://www.tagchan.net/blog/2008/08/2street_view.html ・ The criticism deletion comes one after another. http://www.j-cast.com/2008/08/11024982.html ・"Meeting to which Google street view is opposite" community of [mikushi-] http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=3573036 http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=3573541 ・ Village problem and blog related to street view(Be serializing it. ) http://jnetmore.blog50.fc2.com/blog-entry-71.html http://jnetmore.blog50.fc2.com/blog-entry-75.html http://jnetmore.blog50.fc2.com/blog-entry-83.html http://jnetmore.blog50.fc2.com/blog-entry-84.html http://jnetmore.blog50.fc2.com/blog-entry-85.html 2008-08-19 PR | カレンダー
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