We do not need Google Street View in Japan. It make so many problems in Japan !



We do not need Google Street View in Japan 2

2008 In October The 01st.
"A serious problem of proliferating explosively on the day of the service beginning of street view is watched. "(2)
..".. day of service beginning of street view
A serious problem of proliferating explosively is watched. "(2)
:Manabu Kitaguchi

"Street view" passes from the Japan service beginning 36 hours, and writing "High-tech
electronic village name of a place total [**]" and "It is a street view and B district striped
mullet striped mullet" and threads gush by 2 channels and movable blogs (one to move
rolling and URL), etc.
The news such as privacy, the question of personal rightss, and successions of the lawsuit
was not paid to attention in Japan though the response of various foreign countries of watching
etc. had seen the development of the street view of the United States for one and a half years.

At first, the privacy of the Google Co. and the consideration of human rights burn to the fold
of the service beginning in 8 cities in the United States as having weakened when take
a picture having been limited person's little early morning develops service with 100 cities
or more.

Similar service was developed delaying the map company in Japan a little. The mail address
was registered during half a year from being able the dance and it became a system named
inspection free of charge though everyone was able to inspect freely at first by service
"Location view".

"Location view" is also thin consideration to privacy and the human rights shown by
"Street view" when the Google Co. begins at first, and has opened the street in the region
in the Osaka city various places that "Street view" of Google doesn't cover to be discriminated
to the public like considering privacy now thin now.
(The image map location view is a city image database to be able to see the appearance of
the street 360 times by being able to go to the place in which it wants to go on the personal
computer, and halting in all azimuths. )

Because "Street view" also expands the area fast, it is thought sooner or later that a Japanese
whole area is covered.

It is ..service.. ..raising a red flag.. [teorimasu] in France , saying that "Collide with a French
constitution". Service is in EU of the order for improvement to a sharp sense of human rights
to the privacy problem such as Italy, an active discussion, and Google and judicial authorities
like the judgment etc. and Canada and there are lobbying of various movement for the human
rightss and fights in the background that cannot be begun ....Britain.. Germany, Canada, and

The sense of the common people like privacy and human rights, etc. was judged in Japan and
thin and the Google Co. seem to have judged it. Service had begun in Japan and Australia the
day before yesterday.

The village problem exists in Japan. The discrimination against outcast people is flapped
and the digital camera photograph in the village that is discriminated, and discriminated
continues for these ten years or more of having opened the putting malice to the public to
the blog and HP having it in the discovery of anonymous bulletin board of Japan where a
cruel discrimination agitation and writing happen in succession, back site, and electronic
version name of a place total [**], regions, and the addresses. Discrimination event on net
to which malignancy recently is increased. Animal rights group..swindle..discrimination
against outcast people..agitation..Ainu..race..discrimination..resident from South and North Korea
..stay in Japan..foreigner..hinder..discrimination..every year..intense..increase..computer..technology..technology..development..hardware..performance
gain..together..malignant..extend..show..avert..become..adverse effect..inspection..person..cause..think.
A lot of people certainly expect and this service can be called one of the welcomed services.

deal of harm..receive..people..conversation..lack..service..begin..regrettable..method..provide.

For instance, in view of the victim with the traffic accident, the assailant is a driver.
However, the company that manufactured the car is doing the scholarship and the campaign
finance to children who lost parents in road accidents' children in the meaning like the conscience
and the social justice etc. of the social responsibility and the enterprise. A major carrying company
is also so. It can be said that a part of the social responsibility of business enterprises will be borne though it is not an immediate assailant.

I think that Google that supplies and has managed the system is a meaning irrelevance that
is though those who discriminate misuse very though suffered by people of the people small
number of people and discrimination very. If there is no direct accountability. It has a similar
desire for the enterprise that has managed a huge bulletin board. However, the action to the
pro-human right is expected at the same time than leaving the human-right violation loose.

A natural nation is a road maintenance and construction, is a safety training, maintains the
licensing degree etc. , and works on the enlightening activity if the car appears. It is an age said
that negatively affecting the environment and contributing to the society of various enterprises
from consideration to exhaust emissions regulations and the global environment as a responsibility
of the motorvehicle manufacturing company are natural.

The village problem exists in Japan, and new service of the Google Co. keeps writing the
discrimination agitation and the discrimination description from the insufficiency of the education
and enlightenment as the pleasant surprise of those who discriminate by saying in "Two channels",
"Enshrine it".
It can be said that the Google Co. that admits with the world enterprise that loves the global
company and the justice that does a contribution big as for the education and the culture should
immediately begin the responsibility and the contribution to society as the enterprise only of
Google for the activity in the pro-human right of human rights, the anti-discrimination of Japan,
the unpleasantness, and Asia Pacific region in the future.

First of all..Japan..human rights..group..discrimination..minority..Asia..Pacific Ocean..cover..international..movement for the human rights..positive..investigation of actual
responsibility..discrimination..pro-human right..project..enlightenment..big..power..funding

Service "Location view" that the Japanese map company is doing is a problem. It is necessary to
match, to attract in the action of the enterprise in the future, and to attract attention in the social

When this was one cultural invasion, a French government was announcing that they assisted by the
nation and made service that was more high-quality and more similar than Google to oppose the
Google earth satellite photograph inspection and the profitable seeing in street service from the sky.

One nine-hundred-pound gorilla's act of the average of the globalization becomes, and variously
service is pressed disregarding the possession existence, and the globalization and the feeling line of
the backbone of the culture become cold various social troubles, manners, and lights.

Characteristics of the region, the tradition, and the culture are supported, and what should consider
the diversity of the race and the diversity of the society and it are important.

When the following are clicked, it shifts to the screen of the Google street view.

Tokyo Tower

Osaka Station(Osaka)

August 5, 2008
Manabu Kitaguchi


(journalist-net and human rights journalist's association; secretaries-general)

- - - -
Material in the past(1)
It starts Google and "Street View" French version. ――Taking a picture beginning of Paris the town
Makoto 27 distribution per 16 o'clock May 12 Computerworld.jp

To collect data for the "StreetView" function offered some time ago by serving the map of this
company "Google Maps", United States Google began taking a picture of the Paris town. Street View is
a function to display the scenery of the town seen from the ground, and the offer has been begun
since May, 2007. However, there is a law concerning severe privacy in France. Therefore, there seems
to be a possibility of developing into the lawsuit problem, too, when opening it to the public without
editing the photograph. (henceforth abbreviation)

It introduces it into Street View of Google Maps "Face scumble".
Makoto eight distribution per 17 o'clock May 13 ITmedia news

"Shadeed off" came to enter the face ITmedia.

The reform of the image of Manhattan District of New York was talked about to the privacy problem
with Street View of Google Maps executing (abbreviation) and partially as for U.S. Google on May 12.

- - - -
Material in the past(2)

It is pros and cons to new service "Street View" of Google.
Sentence: Daniel Terdiman(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality communications Ltd. and [notsuneko] Taki
2007/06/21 16:
・・・・(abbreviation)The shot image was presented from the sky by "Google Earth", the spectacle of the
street corner was projected with Street View, and the voice "Does the nature end if it did to where?"
began to come out to Google that pursued the customer's behavior by the cyberspace. As blogger's
Mr. Michael Rasmussen wrote as a comment on Street View by own blog Boing Boing"Thrill
completely ..that.. ..the street... "
Activist group Privacy International in Britain announced the report that severely criticized Google on
June 9, 2007. Google is "In contradiction to privacy" enterprise according to it, and the evaluation is
the lowest on the privacy issue when the main website mesne of 20 or more.

Google Maps Street View has been enumerated by [yaritama] in this report. "The case where the
technique and the technology are offered without an appropriate conference with general people is
not few (for instance, view at the road level)". "The case where the technique and the technology are
offered without an appropriate conference with general people is not few (for instance, view at the
road level). "Google is other "There is a record to have been disregarding the anxiety concerning
privacy. " (broadcast notification). "A new method of observing the person is sure to be included in
the company announcement of Google. "
Many of a predominant position and the number of users in can share between "Diversity and
uniqueness" of the product in addition to "It involves some invasion of privacy or the technology and
the technique that might be violated are used forcible" and products according to this report data and
the market are the reasons why the ranking of Google becomes the lowest. ・・・・(abbreviation)
NGO HP in British privacy question
A Race to the Bottom - Privacy Ranking of Internet Service Companies

A Race to the Bottom: ?Privacy Ranking of Internet Service Companies
(It is English HP. )
- - -
It changes to whether "Street View" and the privacy measures policy of Google Maps are close.
Sentence: Elinor Mills(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Editorial department
2007/08/23 12:46
Google has bathed in the fulmination from the privacy protection group by taking a picture of an
individual numberplate of the face and the car, and having opened it to the public in "Street View" of
Google Maps. This company enabled only the person in question who was able to specify that it was
his face at first to apply for the deletion of the image.
However, Google changed the policy according to the criticism to close. The change in the policy is
received, and it will be said to Google that you can delete it at the future according to retrieval
product of Google and improvement charge vice president Marissa Mayer of convenience if
information on the numberplate and the face that can specify the individual is applied even if it is not
a person in question.
- - -

It is fear of the collision. "Street View" of Google Maps and the privacy act of Canada
Sentence: Elinor Mills(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Chieko Nakamura and [kotowariko] Kobayashi
2007/09/13 19:59
The high-resolution imagery of the "Street View" function of Google Maps is said that the privacy
commissioner in this country will talk as might the collision with the privacy act of Canada because of
there is a possibility that the citizens taken a picture of are not recognizing it in the place where "The Canadian Press" reported.
It is service that has been being provided in the main nine cities of the United States since May,
2007 though Street View cannot be used in Canada yet. (henceforth abbreviation)
- - -
"Street View" round of Google Maps and invasion of privacy lawsuit
Sentence: Elinor Mills(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Editorial department
2008/04/07 11:43
It was assumed that the married couple in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania had had Street View of Google
Maps violated privacy, and appealed for Google.
Plaintiff's Mr. Aaron Borings and Mr. Aaron Borings describe that home was bought at the end of
2006 because of being in "It was clearly marked , saying that 'Private road'" place of the article was in the interior from the road.
Google Street View expanded the range of the service offer to Pittsburgh in October, 2007. Mr. and
Mrs. Borings say that it could not help noticing home be able to be recognized clearly on the map,
and evaluating the real estate value low besides "Emotional distress" is received according to the
petition. (henceforth abbreviation)
- - -
It protects one's privacy from Google Street View". --It is a discovery new method in Alaska.
Sentence: Stephen Shankland(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Editorial department
2008/05/08 15:40
An effective method of defending bodying from a nosy glance of "Google Street View" was found. Privacy advocates are checks necessary.
It is only an ordinary plastic bag that uses by the method.
(henceforth abbreviation)
- - -
The face scumble technology is introduced into the Street View function of Google and Google Maps.
Sentence: Stephen Shankland(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: [Yukisususato]
2008/05/14 08:28
From UPDATE Burlingame, California--To deal with the privacy problem concerning the digital camera taking a picture of "Google Street View" exposed to the criticism that it began to copy all the
one, Google began the test of the technology that blurred the face.
Mr. John Hanke who served as Google Earth and the Google Maps charge director clarified to this
technology the adoption of the computer algorithm that shadeed off the image after the this company
image-database of the photograph of face had been retrieved compared with the interview at the
Where 2.0 conference held in this place.
According to the announcement of blog "Google LatLong" of Google(omission)
Street View causes the anxiety about privacy excluding the problem of a mere photograph of face.
There is a person who dislikes beginning copy of the house where I live for instance on the inside,
too. However, many of clamors also have been installed now since time when Google began Street
View in May, 2007. (henceforth abbreviation)
- - -
3D data is additionally collected with taking a picture of Google and "Street View".
Sentence: Stephen Shankland(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Ryo Ogata and Yoichi Fukuoka
2008/05/16 11:19
Google was admitted to take a picture of online services "Street View" and to collect 3D data
additionally on May 15 in time in the United States. It might be good news to be good on the
computer and on the city to fly about like the superman for the people who dream. (henceforth
- - -
It worries about "Street View" of the European Union and Google.
Sentence: Stephen Shankland(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Editorial department
2008/05/16 15:22
New service "Google Street View" of Google might become a problem also in Europe if offered. The
data protection organization of European Union (EU) clarified such an opinion on a local May 15 in
time. (henceforth abbreviation)
- - -
A small town in Minnesota state and the image deletion of "Google Maps" are demanded.
Sentence: Steven Musil(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: [Minoruotto] Yoshitake and
Takamori [****]
2008/06/02 13:38
To delete the image of the town from "Street View" of "Google Maps", a small town in Minnesota
state demanded from Google.
North Oaks in this state is a private community with which it is located in the north of state capital
St.Paul, and 4500 people live. All are resident's privately owned areas in the road in this town, and
the town dweller :. (henceforth abbreviation)
(henceforth above-mentioned article English press report)
The United States newspaper article
North Oaks tells Google Maps: Keep out - we mean it
The St. Paul suburb with private roads may be the first U.S. city to ask that street images be
removed.(henceforth abbreviation)
- - -
"Street View" and the British privacy watchdog of Google are the posture of the allowance.

Sentence: Marguerite Reardon(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Midori Yagura and Yoichi Fukuoka
2008/08/01 12:37

It seems to have managned to admit "Google Street View" from the side where eyes were made to
shine the United States outside in invasion of privacy.
The intention of the allowance was shown from the privacy watchdog in Britain about Street View
that brewed the cause discussion. Street View takes the photograph on the street by using a special vehicle where the panoramic camera was installed. As for this digital image, it is used as one of the
functions of the online map service, and everyone can see the appearance of the street in various
The privacy protection group in Britain assumes that it involves some invasion of privacy, and it
might violate the law concerning the data protection, and, up to now, has criticized Street View. The
reason for the one that it is possible to identify it such as person's faces and numberplates of the car
is that there is an anxiety that specific and the pursuit of the individual that is reflected in the image
might be done to the clue.
However, Independent Establishments Information Commissioner 's Office(ICO) of Britain that
supported the protection of personal information was announced to took an enough precaution so
that Google might prevent invasion of privacy according to the report of BBC on July 31 in time in the
United States, "Satisfy it". (henceforth abbreviation)

The above-mentioned article BBC report
July, 2008
Google Street View gets go ahead

- - - -
The Sankei Shimbun net article(part)
It is Google from the sex hotel to entertainer's home. "Street view"
Makoto the Sankei Shimbun 41 distribution per ten o'clock August 6


"Street View (street view)" function of the topic was added to online map service "Google map"
Japanese version that U.S. Google (Google) Co. of the net retrieval biggest business was offering. It is
"Virtual stroll" function of the sense that enjoys scenery because it walks literally on the street while
doing the rotation operation 360 times as for the panorama shot of the screen. It reflected by chance
and the privacy of a crowded person was put in question though service was begun in the United
States last May. In this Japanese version, it is likely to be misused to so-called personal inquiries and
the police and the election campaign compared with the United States in the background of a special
social structure. (omission)
How do it become it if misused when this information finds employment, buys the real estate, and
contracts the lease?
When "Site confirmation" is done from the parents' family and guarantor's address on the street view,
..".. [kono].
Person's parents' family shall not be unexpectedly a boro" It is likely to be assessed only by the face
while not knowing about "Public management apartment of a housing complex of the lease though
said the condominium" etc. and the person in question.

"Welcome to B district" close riot occurred as for personal inquiries in last spring. A lot of kinds of
"Village list with the name of a place" remain on the net in the tip of the iceberg as for this matter
now though the site where it had introduced the old this harmony district that is called so-called
"Village to be discriminated" in the name of a place addition photograph was deleted by the
indictment of the prefecture branch of Village Release Union.
However, this street view conceives danger of pushing aside such "Riot" under the surface of the
water. Only it is often deleted because it is caught by the character retrieval in which Google is
exactly skillful as stated above by "Report", and the time of the copy of the address so far for the
street view. The address in the old this harmony district was appended and there was already
writing, word and "Is here Allais?". Especially, "Village address" of this harmony measures business
estimated to be 15 trillion yen and the scandal of the executive of Village Release Union might spread
on the net because there are a lot of critical opinions (spread).
Of course, easy use is thought not to say it develops into the discrimination problem. The police for
instance are E-mails for the confirmation of the garage certificates)(for attention as for the address of
* specific political party, and virtual do election campaign - etc. , and there seems to be no
Last update: 10:50 August 6
(henceforth abbreviation)

- - -

The Google Maps street view is too terrible and two [chan] : to the festival.

The Google Maps street view is too terrible and two [chan] : to the festival.
When the cod etc. think because it reflects, it cannot be slightly thought the somebody else's problem
in the seen amount though it is possible to laugh. Hoe rose hoe rose.
:2008.08.05 23:52
feelings badness [i] . . . The nerve that takes such a photograph even without replacing reflecting
people with me without permission and throws without permission is unbelievable.

There already seems to be a settled site.
How what is [tekakore] in privacy ^^;?

:2008.08.06 09:53
The laundry dried on our outside was without any mistake reflected, too. Moreover, to black pants by
dependence. 。。This time, I want you to notify beforehand neatly coming to take a picture. The
coconut tree is decoration [toite] and in front of a house will be [ruwai] . next time if it does so.



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