We do not need Google Street View in Japan. It make so many problems in Japan !



市民の人権問題 セカイカメラの深刻な問題 

 インターネットとプライバシーや人権問題が、この間のGoogle Streetviewを巡る日本国内の論議により関心を集めてきており、Google MapやGoogleカレンダーなどの個人情報漏洩の報道も記憶に新しい。

セカイカメラの深刻な問題点 問われる「頓知」の姿勢

Google to reshoot Japan Street views and nothing to do about discrimination issue in Japan

TOKYO (AFP) – US Internet giant Google has decided to reshoot Street View
photos in Japan following complaints from people who said public images of
their homes violated their privacy.
The company's Japanese unit announced the decision Wednesday, saying it
would take new photographs with the cameras set lower so the images
accessible via net-based maps would not show photos looking into people's
The company has also blurred vehicle license plates in the service.
Google said on its Japanese website that the company wished to provide the
new service in a way that is socially acceptable in Japan.
Launched two years ago in the United States, Street View gives Google users
a 360-degree view of streets. The service in Japan is now available to show
images from major cities.
The move in Japan came after various municipalities and citizens groups
accused the company of violating people's privacy by publishing the photos
of private houses and community streets without owners' consent.
Japan is not unique in worrying about the Internet feature.
Earlier this week, Greece's data protection agency barred Google from taking
any more images for its Street View feature until the company explains the
service and its privacy safeguards.
An American court earlier this year rejected a privacy suit by a couple whose
house was shown on Street View.

Google Street View and Google earth useing for discrimination tool
against minority people in Japan
Google do not any care for human rights issue right now

Old Japanese maps on Google Earth unveil secrets


TOKYO – When Google Earth added historical maps of Japan to its online
collection last year,the search giant didn't expect a backlash. The finely
detailed woodblock prints have been around for centuries, they were already
posted on another Web site, and a historical map of Tokyo put up in 2006
hadn't caused any problems.
But Google failed to judge how its offering would be received, as it has often
done in Japan.
The company is now facing inquiries from the Justice Ministry and angry
accusations of prejudice because its maps detailed the locations of former
low-caste communities.

The maps date back to the country's feudal era, when shoguns ruled and
a strict caste system was in place. At the bottom of the hierarchy were
a class called the "burakumin," ethnically identical to other Japanese but
forced to live in isolation because they did jobs associated with death,
such as working with leather, butchering animals and digging graves.
Castes have long since been abolished, and the old buraku villages
have largely faded away or been swallowed by Japan's sprawling metropolises.
Today, rights groups say the descendants of burakumin make up about
3 million of the country's 127 million people.
But they still face prejudice, based almost entirely on where they live or their
ancestors lived.
Moving is little help, because employers or parents of potential spouses
can hire agencies to check for buraku ancestry through Japan's elaborate
family records, which can span back over a hundred years.
An employee at a large, well-known Japanese company, who works in
personnel and has direct knowledge of its hiring practices, said the
company actively screens out burakumin job seekers.

"If we suspect that an applicant is a burakumin, we always do a background
check to find out,"
she said. She agreed to discuss the practice only on condition that neither
she nor her company be identified.
Lists of "dirty" addresses circulate on Internet bulletin boards. Some surveys
have shown that such neighborhoods have lower property values than
surrounding areas, and residents have been the target of racial taunts and
graffiti. But the modern locations of the old villages are largely unknown to
the general public, and many burakumin prefer it that way.
Google Earth's maps pinpointed several such areas. One village in Tokyo
was clearly labeled "eta," a now strongly derogatory word for burakumin
that literally means "filthy mass."
A single click showed the streets and buildings that are currently in the
same area.
Google posted the maps as one of many "layers" available via its mapping
software, each of which can be easily matched up with modern satellite
The company provided no explanation or historical context, as is common
practice in Japan. Its basic stance is that its actions are acceptable because
they are legal, one that has angered burakumin leaders.
"If there is an incident because of these maps, and Google is just going
to say 'it's not our fault' or 'it's down to the user,' then we have no choice
but to conclude that Google's system itself is a form of prejudice,"
said Toru Matsuoka, a member of Japan's upper house of parliament.

Asked about its stance on the issue, Google responded with a formal
statement that "we deeply care about human rights and have no intention
to violate them."
Google spokesman Yoshito Funabashi points out that the company doesn't
own the maps in question, it simply provides them to users. Critics argue
they come packaged in its software,
and the distinction is not immediately clear.
Printing such maps is legal in Japan. But it is an area where publishers and
museums tread carefully, as the burakumin leadership is highly organized
and has offices throughout the country.
Public showings or publications are nearly always accompanied by a
historical explanation, a step Google failed to take.
Matsuoka, whose Osaka office borders one of the areas shown, also serves
as secretary general of the Buraku Liberation League, Japan's largest such group.
After discovering the maps last month, he raised the issue to Justice Minister
Eisuke Mori at a public legal affairs meeting on March 17.

Two weeks later, after the public comments and at least one reporter contacted
Google, the old Japanese maps were suddenly changed, wiped clean of
any references to the buraku villages.
There was no note made of the changes, and they were seen by some as
an attempt to quietly dodge the issue.
"This is like saying those people didn't exist. There are people for whom
this is their hometown, who are still living there now," said Takashi Uchino
from the Buraku Liberation League headquarters in Tokyo.
The Justice Ministry is now "gathering information" on the matter, but
has yet to reach any kind of conclusion, according to ministry official
Hideyuki Yamaguchi.

The League also sent a letter to Google, a copy of which was provided to
The Associated Press.
It wants a meeting to discuss its knowledge of the buraku issue and
position on the use of its services for discrimination. It says Google should
"be aware of and responsible for providing a service that can easily be
used as a tool for discrimination."
Google has misjudged public sentiment before. After cool responses to
privacy issues raised about its Street View feature, which shows ground-level
pictures of Tokyo neighborhoods taken without warning or permission,
the company has faced strong public criticism and government hearings.
It has also had to negotiate with Japanese companies angry over their
copyrighted materials uploaded to its YouTube property.
An Internet legal expert said Google is quick to take advantage of its new
technologies to expand its advertising network, but society often pays
the price.
"This is a classic example of Google outsourcing the risk and appropriating
the benefit of their investment," said David Vaile, executive director of the
Cyberspace Law and Policy Center at the University of New South
Wales in Australia.
The maps in question are part of a larger collection of Japanese maps
owned by the University California at Berkeley. Their digital versions are
overseen by David Rumsey, a collector in the U.S.
who has more than 100,000 historical maps of his own. He hosts more
than 1,000 historical Japanese maps as part of a massive, English-language
online archive he runs, and says he has never had a complaint.
It was Rumsey who worked with Google to post the maps in its software,
and who was responsible for removing the references to the buraku villages.
He said he preferred to leave them untouched as historical documents,
but decided to change them after the search company told him of
the complaints from Tokyo.
"We tend to think of maps as factual, like a satellite picture, but maps are
never neutral, they always have a certain point of view,"
he said.
Rumsey said he'd be willing to restore the maps to their original state
in Google Earth.
Matsuoka, the lawmaker, said he is open to a discussion of the issue.
A neighborhood in central Tokyo, a few blocks from the touristy Asakusa
area and the city's oldest temple, was labeled as an old "eta" village in
the maps. It is indistinguishable from countless other Tokyo communities,
except for a large number of leather businesses offering handmade bags,
shoes and furniture.
When shown printouts of the maps from Google Earth, several older residents
declined to comment.
Younger people were more open on the subject.
Wakana Kondo, 27, recently started working in the neighborhood, at a new
business that sells leather for sofas. She was surprised when she learned the
history of the area, but said it didn't bother her.
"I learned about the burakumin in school, but it was always something
abstract," she said.
"That's a really interesting bit of history, thank you."
March, 2009 that continues on the 17th&24th the House of Councilors Committee on Judicial Affairs

"A serious problem of proliferating explosively on the day of the service
beginning of street view is watched. " (61);North exit study (Manabu Kitaguchi)

I will up-load the House of Councilors Committee on Judicial Affairs question on the 24th,
the question of the Kiyoshi Maekawa [namai] house house, and the minutes in the Minister
of Justice answer part in March, 2009 that continues on the 17th.
From relation and part 1 the House of Councilors minutes data base to excerpt


24 days in the fourth March, 2009 of the 171st Diet Law Tsutomu committee
From a Japanese Government official homepage.
Excerpt of part
The Internet free translation is used.
- Ladies and gentlemen, this is the United States that is local of Google or Toru Matsuoka
especially problem also in Europe as the human-right violation, that is, the method in this
then like bullying or violations of privacy, etc. that Google has put out as service as seem
also to be known also to you in me though thought it is variously though put out to your
material of today next though there is address retrieval service of street view. It says to violations
of privacy it. However, this Google does such new retrieval service from the Google earth recently.
Japan comes out all Ms. though it understands if it sees when there is earth from the left of the
first piece, and the under improves. And, the old map comes out when going to the right side
why ..this... When it is improved again, the map of old of Japan does the zoom improvement to
a present map of Japan.
It goes up for a long time in Tokyo, and this fixes the old map on into a present map of the
Tokyo in the point below when ..page.. ..following.. seeing as it is more detailed though this
is a case with Tokyo. Right side..again..zoom..improve.Then, such figure is in the old of that map.
It is written [kegatason] though it is that because it turns upside down here. It is to the name of
an individual.
Subsequent page..turn over..the..old..map..again..zoom..improve..figure..figure..now..Google..for
a long time..zoom..improve..now..map..have..understand.Do the be doubled of an old map and
present map. And, it is lower right where the zoom improvement is done how it becoming it when
it is the right side, and a present place this.
When the subsequent page is seen, the zoom improvement is done further ..it... It does the zoom
improvement further, and is [shirushisho] [itearimasu] of Maru. If it is done for a long time,
it becomes a street plan the point of its.. Maru for a long time it. The end is a present photograph
of this ..under the right... It is a photograph to have done the zoom improvement. Service is done
this and here. As for this, Tokyo or Osaka or the metropolitan area starts from the start of service
now. It might be said that Google will expand it to the provinces one by one.
Here, this example is [arimasu] [kegatason], is a village for instance to be discriminated, sleeps at
present, and has come out in the old map. Because the village to be discriminated doesn't specify
the district like being administrative so here in Tokyo, I do not understand easily. However,
it understands when suitable for the old map. This is developed in the whole country. I come
out scrupulously when I do this to Osaka where I live once. It goes out.
The worrying one changes also in the old of this map according to it is an old map on the age when.
In the inside, there seems to be a be doubled of the old map of the Meiji era, too. Then, [rai] [son]
that the government in Japan does before based on Leprosy Prevention Law is this ..recording..
in the old map. When it improves zooming, the old map, present, and the be doubled of [rai] [son]
where it is now.
This state wants to hear minister's opinion though it is thought that I ..the guy ..so....
am connected with the human-right violation though I do not understand for what ..
Google.. intention to have started this service.
- First of all, I think a talk today ..minister of state (forest Eisuke).. to be basic for a
moment for the first time in detail in this place no anyway unexpected story because
of the one it to have visited. Does Google sponsor this?No, someone uses that of Google …….

- This was seen from service of Google earth of the Toru Matsuoka Google.
- I want to catch such a problem heavily because it is unpleasant minister of state (MORI Eisuke),
and the story heard for the first time for a moment now though it is amazed though it is not said
for a moment as the Minister of Justice very so by me momentarily now.
- The service at the Toru Matsuoka end is said the street view, and comes out in the front of a
house in the photograph when doing for a long time. It still serves ahead, that is, the street view
of Google. And, it reflects to the photograph in the house if the address is retrieved.
Clothes for drying by chance there are dry, and even the cleaned face reflects the numberplate
and in front of when the car had stopped it. It becomes a problem that this is violations of privacy.
Guy whom service and this Google of street view of Google does.
This time..Google..new..such..old..map..have..now..place..retrieve..service..now..city..start.T
his is Tokyo's. The amount of Osaka improved because I was Osaka, too. It is the same.

I have such worry. This is whether to hit the human-right violation. This is service that Google
obviously started. The individual is nothing someone this. When the service of such a retrieval
hits the human-right violation even if the individual for instance does, how about me though
thought by me?
- The minister of state (forest Eisuke) I also know service of street view of this Google, and
it seems that it sees of us too much in the round and doing such ..it.. a usage wants to
investigate whether what Google really does someone excluding Google is using the service
of the Google really anyway for a moment though it was surprised.
- I do not say whether the Toru Matsuoka getting bored does. Such an act is said whether
you will hit the human-right violation. Who is not doing, and how even if the individual does?

- I think that it is an event that cannot be at all overlooked except what definition of minister
of state (forest Eisuke) after all it is.
- I will understand Toru Matsuoka cannot be overlooked that I cannot overlook it in the meaning
that there is fear of connecting with the human-right violation when thought after all in the
human-right violation.
Wanting to ask the minister then I did this improvement by the retrieval service of this and
Google Google I leaving aside. who had made this for instanceWhen it is made Google,
it ..what intention Google is.. when living and is service. ..hearing.. [kanaaki] from GoogleIt
is a person that it wants to know information said drawing close. Therefore, I think Google
to be no phlegm including such service because I will violate human rights.
However, it is connected from us with the human-right violation. For instance, why it connects
with the human-right violation is said a firm point or is trowed with the awareness of the issues
as [kanaikanu]. For instance, there is a possibility to be treated like the second name of a place
total [**] discriminating.
Is there a possibility of connecting like this when it hits the human-right violation by all means
where of this, and? in such a meaning, as its.. firm opinion, it brings together and I think would
like this service here, and concretely me though I was allowed to explain. Has a concrete event of
the human-right violation actually occurred because of it, and? it wants still to request by all means,
and thinks for me to would like you to clarify it of it though doesn't understand well because it is
not prehensible.   (the rest is omitted)

24th in the fourth March, 2009 of the 171st Diet Law Tsutomu committee Tuesday
Opening a meeting at 10 AM
The person present : as shown in the down berow
(omission)- About surrogate of the secretary of Supreme Court (Yutaka Koike) demand idea, Court..high..legislative organ..provide..differ.
- Want my get along with thoroughly continue also it is possible to come Kiyoshi Maekawa [nakun]
It doesn't end, and I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. the ministerThere is convenience at time
about the judicial reform budget for a moment already, too and I want to ask it from the following
point under discussion for a moment without asking the minister.
Last time, it is a question on belief, it introduces the Google earth from director Matsuoka who
comes to the next, and it because it traces it to this harmony district at that time when tracing
it many times though I have been very surprised, too, it did not answer the question of personal
rights on the other hand this though director Matsuoka's question was a question that this was not
a question of personal rights though this had been said that it was awful as the minister was
immediate compared with that question. Because want to ask whether and.
- Because I answered in not understanding the realities well because one minister of state (Mori Eisuke)
is the one that was a sudden question, I would like you to understand becoming for a moment a
very careful answer.
To begin with, providing the function to overlap the old map with the aerial photo image etc.
in the service that the Google earth is providing : by myself to my confirmation afterwards.
It is thought that this is an act that might promote discrimination if specification is circulated
on the Internet, and a village region in history to be discriminated cannot be overlooked by
piling up the map when old of the Google earth, matching, and misusing the function.
It is thought that it wants to deal appropriately as the deletion request is done to the provider etc.
when such an act is acknowledged as Human Rights Organs of the Ministry of Justice.

This is that any longer it is unexpected or I cannot then overlook it by actually catching it as there
is software that has a function village name of a place total [**] by misusing the Google earth if it is
actually though I should say some misunderstandings for a moment somewhat it was when
committee Matsuoka questions on me. It thinks of such the one, and at present, it is quite
similar and I think becoming of the unexpectedness after all of this impossibility to overlook
of it if the one with such a function still intentionally is circulated to be a natural question of
personal rights because I become it so if it is connected and matched in short.
- It was thought whether you had thought about the problem of the definition which the
human-right violation because there was variously definition about the Kiyoshi Maekawa [nakun]
human rights. There was a traditional idea that the subject of the human-right violation limited
it to the state power, too and I wanted to ask it thinking about there because Google was a private
organization how.
I want to have been going to actually discuss it from the meaning of human rights about the lay
judge. I thought this one of the maximum human-right violations in a society today only the false
charge if it managed it ..it.. not to eradicate it by system of lay judges. It wanted to ask,
and whether to investigate up to now because a special chance today though it doesn't know
what investigation you do under the lay judge though it apologizes really to come also to the
National Police Agency, I think that it distributes figure at hand because I get the permission of
the board of directors today though it runs out of time for a moment in the place where the
supreme court is not clearly answered, it comes to the diplomatic relation ministry and the Ministry
of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for a moment, and I want to ask the
settlement simultaneously.

For instance, when real estate is sold off to shell [sanga] [**], obligation to move recording
to vender when paying attention only in point of delivery claim of recording. It borrows money
from the bank when it is time when it buys my home usually , for instance, us and the bank
puts the mortgage. Therefore, the obligation of the property right move recording and the
obligation of blotting out set recording about the mortgage are owed to shell in the point
that it is necessary to do the property right move recording to which the mortgage assumed
to be a claim that the debt of [**] that has not adhered the mortgage is mortgaged has not
adhered. On the other hand, the purchaser owes the price payment obligation naturally.
How does the implementation relation become becoming of this shell's obligation, [**]'s
obligation, and [**] shell and [**] ahead when the country becomes a person concerned
though it asks the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology though
the obligation that this shell and [**] write respectively here is borne?
- The government witness (Shigeo Takasugi) will answer.
It is assumed that the expenditure cannot be paid after the implementation of the supply of
the opponent based on the contract is completed in the fiscal law in the country as a rule,
and the consideration can be paid when the supply that suits the contractual coverage is
completed and it is thought that it becomes it. Therefore, it is agreed that it becomes shape
that it is not simultaneous but [henkata] is early.
- Is a similar procedure to the answer of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology a still similar now stepped on though it is thought that the Kiyoshi Maekawa [nakun
] Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport also constructs a road for instance or land is
variously bought?(the rest is omitted)」
Google Earth Big discrimination problem in JAPAN Agenda the Diet

The thing that a very serious discrimination problem and the problem of human rights
arose in Japan was made an agenda by the map of old of Google・Earth by Diet member
in the Diet in Japan on March 17.
The Minister of Justice answered the question on TORU MATUOKA (Diet member),
"I wanted to catch such a problem heavily", "I want to investigate", and "Event that was
not able to be overlooked at all".
An important discrimination word had been described in the map of old of Japan being
offered with Google・Earth. The human-right violation and discrimination on the Internet
that uses the words and phrases happen frequently. The criticism of not doing an enough
corresponding goes up to a serious problem in Google.
The discrimination ..Google.. ..several map of old of Japan.. words and phrases have been
quietly deleted. 「Ramsey historical Maps」

A lot of Japanese regions assemblies submit the request to Japanese Government.

Most of information up-loaded to this homepage is collections of public sentences from which
the local government in Japan is resolved to Japanese Government and the Diet in conformity
to the law and submitted. Most of information up-loaded to this homepage is collections of public
sentences from which the local government in Japan is resolved to Japanese Government and the
Diet in conformity to the law and submitted.

A lot of demands for the government submitted by Local assembly are supported by all kinds of political parties ,agreeing are submitted to the Diet. The number is about 20 cities from September to this day of last year. All the sentences

all of those documents colection witten by Local assembly
are in the following.


request "Service restriction" to a central government Local goverments in Japan

In view of the viewpoint of the human rights of the service of "Google Street View" in Japan,
an abnormal beginning and development are situations of opinion in writing resolution to a
formal central government from a lot of municipality assemblies. The assembly of the municipality
of 20 or more has enumerated the voice to request "Service restriction" to a central government.
Tokyo, Machida city, Osaka, Ibaraki City, Osaka, Takatsuki City, and Nara Prefecture Ikoma City,
Kochi Prefecture passed the opinion in writing of a central government for the first time as an
assembly in administrative divisions on March 19. It is inevitable to increase this number further
at the end of March when the local assembly began to be held in various places. Such a local
assembly decides because it is the one that the service is not accepted by a lot of Japanese citizens.
The Google Co. showed off in the hold of a peculiar history and question of personal rights to Japan
and showed off a too rash, considered insufficient, shameful enterprise to people in Japan.
Information from detailed Japan concerning the above-mentioned is in the following.


Danger concerning the invasion of privacy of the Google Co. is a big problem. It is necessary to
refer to the point of NGO in the United States.


Privacy? Proposed Google/DoubleClick Deal

Japanese Group Says Google Street View Violates Privacy Rights

Open Source Featured Article
December 19, 2008
Japanese Group Says Google Street View Violates Privacy Rights

By Michael Dinan
TMCnet Editor

Citing privacy concerns, a group of Japanese professors and lawyers reportedly is calling on the
Internet’s advertising and search leader to get rid of a service that gives users detailed street-level
images via satellite.

According to Reuters (News - Alert) reporter Yoko Kubota, the group – calling itself the Campaign
Against Surveillance Society – says that the “Street View” feature of Google Inc.’s Google Maps offering
violates rights to privacy.

Kubota reports that the group’s leader – Yasuhiko Tajima, a professor of constitutional law at Sophia
University in Tokyo – believes that Google’s (News - Alert) giving Web users the ability virtually to
drive down a street and look around, violates human rights.

“It is necessary to warn society that an IT giant is openly violating privacy rights, which are important
rights that the citizens have, through this service,” Kubota said.

When reached by TMCnet, a Google spokesperson referred to a company statement regarding privacy
on Street View.

According to the statement, Street View only features photographs that are taken on public property.

“Imagery of this kind is available in a wide variety of formats for cities all around the world,” the
statement reads. “We are committed to respecting local laws and norms in each country in which we
launch Street View.”

Here’s a screen shot of Google Street View, showing San Francisco’s Steiner Street:

This isn’t the first time that people have complained about perceived dangers in Google’s free,
satellite-based applications.

As tech news site TG Daily Managing Editor Wolfgang Gruener reported earlier this month, the
terrorists who attacked India’s Mumbai, formerly Bombay, killing nearly 200 citizens, apparently used
another free app, Google Earth, to memorize digital satellite images of the city in order to find their
targets and coordinate their attacks

“The police also learned that the terrorists relied on satellite phones and GPS equipment to navigate to
their targets,” Gruener reports.

Officials with security agencies in India, China and other nations have voiced concerns that Google
Earth exposes defense installations and unveils secret military installations, Gruener reports.

“Media also reported that protesters in London used Google Earth to plan how to get to the rooftop of
the Parliament building in London,” he said.

Complaints about Google Earth haven’t been limited to foreign nations.

In the United States, a woman was shown sunbathing on Google Earth, Reuters reports, and in another
a man was pictured exiting a strip club in San Francisco.

“In March, Google said it would comply with a Pentagon request to remove some online images from
Street View over fears they posed a security threat to U.S. military bases,” according to the news

Don’t forget to check out TMCnet’s White Paper Library, which provides a selection of in-depth
information on relevant topics affecting the IP Communications industry. The library offers white
papers, case studies and other documents which are free to registered users.

Michael Dinan is a contributing editor for TMCnet, covering news in the IP communications, call center
and customer relationship management industries. To read more of Michael’s articles, please visit his
columnist page.

Edited by Michael Dinan

» See More Asterisk Community Stories
Human rights of minority in the world and Google Street View (2)

.".. day of service beginning of street view
A serious problem of proliferating explosively is watched" (10): The north exit study.

It attracted of where ..MIAU sponsoring ‘' "Street view" held the day before yesterday..
and the net report concerning ..problem.. MIAU symposium ‘' attracted attention. It was
in the yahoo news when 18:35 August 28 articles on Impress Watch appeared in
"Technology access ranking" the third place of yahoo Japan.
It seems to have that the acknowledgment of the height of the concern from Internet
user to service of Google street view and involving the privacy problem extends in the
background by there are quite a lot of people who read the above-mentioned by the
"Google street view" A day when about 70 percent turned over, was open to the public
of the investigation result announcement of information site "[Burocchi]" for the ・・・・
blogger in the morning, and attracted attention uneasiness [da] to violations of privacy.

When their official pages are referred, it is explained, "Arbitrary group to consolidate the
dissenting opinion to ..contents.. download from an illegal site" , saying that MIAU
"Internet advanced user's meeting".
http://miau.jp/ (official MIAU page)

It looked forward to the report on the net of the content of that day because I had wanted to
participate if it was possible to do with the concern very much at time when
the symposium holding notification was made several days ago on MIAU official page.
Many of the report to which homepage [dede] of MIAU was able to be inspected were
introduced today. It is welcome for me who was not able to participate by business.
MIAU is one of the organizations that watch an opposite declaration and the appeal since
before, etc. on the net for various net restrictions etc. with the concern from the
appearance. It is an access ranking honest wonderment in ..the third place.. terrible
though this and becomes a very important symposium and it thought attention to be will
not a collection.
Many of the report concerning this symposium were picked up from the MIAU homepage

(It was thought that the comment of Mr. Kawamura of Japan Housewives' Association was good. )
(However, HP of nothing but doing it. )
([okadayuuhana]'s report and problem arrangement)

Do in the international [tanoha] of can the desire [uyamawa] university Department of
Humanity and Science cultural subject associate professor when you can grip the flow of
the discussion about the hall most?It was following HP of the teacher from whom the
cyber act was researched while teaching the computer and the media theory in
Department of Humanity and Science.
" Experiment on ICHINOSE BLOG MIAU symposium "Think about the Google street
view "Problem"":Live Blogging. "

It is an entitled page and in a vivid hall, ..appearance.. wonderful, that discussion [ga]
can read. 「From the [uyamawa] university in Niigata Prefecture Shibata City. To a cyber
act, an Asian culture, a networked society, and other personal giving whole mind. 」It is
in entitled HP.


HP of ([okadayuuhana]'s report and problem arrangement) also beautifully refreshingly
described the content of the symposium, it descended, and I thought legible.
"[Un;un]" and it was able to have the sympathy in feelings (HP of free nothing but doing

The organization named MIAU
「・・・・Environment to which system to defend existing system doesn't limit development
of technology. We collect opinions from users such as the Internet and digital devices to
achieve the above-mentioned environment, and propose the policy to the policy side. 」
It describes with official HP, and it is organized to act and to enlighten it by presenting
an objection in legally, the restriction when it is possible to do, and the restriction.
I also am wishing, and the freedom of development and the expression with wonderful
Internet is noted of new late of the technology and the development of legal systems
inventing an important human-right violation, succeeded to, and serialized to an
inspection and an easy regulatory control also though is an idea that it should be careful
by the idea called an integrated society. The activity of MIAU is seen with the desire
"There is a part where consideration and the restriction are necessary that seems to be
necessary though the activity to which the restriction is opposite is understood, too"
from the stance of me who is attaching importance.
Opposite to the restriction and suppression in the society where the freedom of the
one-party tyranny, the militarism, thought, and the expression is not guaranteed is
important. However, it thinks the tight attention of the negative part and problem to the
science and technology to the technology for developing rapidly and the construction of
a necessary restriction and the rule to be an important thing.
I thought panelist's Mr. Hatta's insistence to be the astonishment one in the meaning. It
thinks so because of the remark "What the problem is not understood" though there are
a lot of problems, and the response of various foreign countries and explanations of the
lawsuit and the device are being performed at the beginning by Mr. Tsuda though it is a
symposium of the title "Think about the problem of the Google street view". Surprise.
However, to invent the controversy point of doing, and to understand as ・・・・ that is
disadvantageous time of the post [riwoshi] for significant time the symposium (sweat),
this surely : an on purpose sensational remark , saying that "If the point under
discussion doesn't become clear, those who come cannot enjoy it".
Makiko Kawamura who takes charge of field related to IT and copyright as other
panelists and regular committee of Japan Housewives' Association who can be telling it
even by reported articles that tell symposium that "Internet watch" reported, the
secretary-general of the Winny event defense lawyers, and is it [dan**hika], is lawyer's
it associate professor of Senshu University, and is the meaning that arranges down shot
[shi] impression named [fumufumu] in the remark of chairman of Japan PEN Club and
the speech expression committee [takeshifuto] Yamada as for on the net until present
and the report from Europe and America?
Moreover, making remarks to the reflection of the opinion of people who become
accustomed to the Internet and are familiar and Mr. Kawamura's making remarks while
there are a lot of reports represent the opinion of people that the edge is far from the
computer (majority of Japan) and it can be thought a right most general opinion and the
sense to draw close.
It thinks of the part of unchanged in the place where it is a photograph of full loading for
which one extracted individual information that in view of the side that is put URL for
which it doesn't hope to an anonymous bulletin board, is added additive information for
which it doesn't hope, and is open to the public to the world, was projected onto the PC
The edit that takes a picture of tons of information the area coverage and mechanically
is not intended, and it agrees in beginning more in unexampled service and, on the other
hand the change in the consideration of privacy and human rights, it agrees to the
opinion that it had to be careful. The logic of "A large amount of information that not is
the edit intention and there mechanically" commenting is felt sorry at use on the
discrimination anonymity bulletin board and not thought to be persuasive to resented
people or me by me.
It cannot be thought at all that it is a situation in which consensus is still obtained even
if take a picture mechanically and said the intention of the edit. It steps on the [dehatoiu]
remark of service [gaaru] of no goodness in Japan though it might be good in
the foreign country ..stepping...


Mr. Kawamura's reproof etc. seem to be near though it seems to tend to handle the net
venture and those who use the net as the net is brief ..this reported symposium report..
and to be handled multi squids or opinions of the promotion sect by all means greatly by
the sponsor and the reader. the policy of my serial
It was regrettable that the problem of a peculiar discrimination against outcast people to
minority's human rights and Japan was not able to touch from which panelist's mouth for
me who had thought that there was a big influence in the formation of the public opinion
of "Google street view" problem beforehand by the report of the flow and the report of
the discussion about this symposium. Human rights..discrimination against outcast
drawing..reluctant.It thinks. However, the Sankei Shimbun etc. immediately after the
street view service beginning think of the remark through [shite] "There is no concrete
disadvantage" for a moment for a moment though were reported personal inquiries and
the anxiety to the discrimination problem. Small number of people worry about the
Google Co. or fear or snuggle or are ? in the person round-down for the service
allowance and continuance. It is possible to think.
Service of location view is paid to attention as the street view gets into the news.
However, it comes to be able to see writing here and there by the service it that can be
used for "Location view the height", a malignant writing, and the spectacle bleaching on
the discrimination bulletin board such as "Two channels" as soon as eminence has risen
because of the Google street view problem discussion. It is a surprise of me at a
comment the following, that is, "Consideration is performed from Google" and "As much
as one complaint has not come" though it is service of leaving loose of the use to
discriminate to quite the same for the village problem the street view and the location
view. Only the boast : though the anxiety to the village problem and personal inquiries
is reported though it is good when the correspondence set to Japan was good. It doesn't
generalize from only having the input of the mail address, no regular registration, and
receiving the service of the hilt but the trouble very much and it is trowed though it was
able to be inspected up to now simply only that eminence is low by the guest log in as
[takaradeha]. Do honesty and I play a pilot role to investigate whether there is a
criticism up to the Google street view service Japan opening to the public in Japan since
the day when the location view service started?It thought of the head somewhere.

Cannot everything able just to have started and to know. The discussion about the
problem of the discrimination against outcast people and the street view. For instance,
the patients' anti-discrimination of small number of "Hansen's disease", the right
protection, and the movement of restoration of honor seem to have won big
advancement in the numbers of people more far than people in the village to be
discriminated in recent years. It can be thought that their approach and fight were small
small movements when just starting. Let's think that it is because of beginning still be
just talked about the problem of "Google street view and discrimination against outcast
I think again that the remark etc. to participate in person concerned's person's desire,
movement, and such a symposium still are important though I gradually write this serial.
I think the thing of going out to the place to which the place and media of opening to the
public pay attention in a Japanese society that remains discrimination while the trend of
the public opinion is not clear and making remarks though it is regrettable that it was not
either to be serious.
It is thought that this Google street view problem has been left without there is
separately an important cut still, and being talked besides the approach "Privacy" and
"Discrimination against outcast people". There was writing the net like might the
strategy of the Google Co. and the strategy, etc. the hit of the focus only to the privacy
problem, too. I am this feeling. Think not only having keep the serial together with be a
different [bochibochi] point under discussion.

change..involve..contradiction..fault..extremely..first..small number
of..person..discrimination..person..up..attack..appear..think.And, it is delayed that it is
good, and it is glad.
The problem becomes aggravated a sad event in the Internet that attacks discrimination
and minority's people if there is no approach like an education, enlightenment, media
literacy, and an affirmative action, etc. now.

In addition, it seems to gnaw at our whole society. It can be thought very important time
for healthy development of the Internet and the civil society. Because the system and
the rule that defends small number of human rights of the person are systems that
defend a lot of necessary, indispensable after all people.

It is dissatisfied and regrettable though cannot actually participate in the site though is
a content the analysis examination over this symposium that can be deepened further,
and touched a lot of information this time when it relied on only various information it
not was in site Tokyo. From the limit to [sara] and the criticism target this time t
hough each report was read in sincerity. The current nine serials and the be doubled
parts tend to increase, too and if a current serial can be reread for everybody, happiness.
It is an extension and deepen [saseteteyuki]. add the quotation and the examination further by
a serial content in the future

(Continue. )

Extra;The following book was introduced on "Mixi" site.

From Rakuten Ichiba
Do not take it without permission. There is a portrait right. Enlarged edition
Takashi Murakami [ya]
Blue bow company
【 content information 】("BOOK" From the data base. )

Record filming in suspect of "Crime prevention" video of street and event and victim's
photograph of faces and expressways -Civil affairs and detective's huge trial records a
re arranged and the establishment of the portrait right that is encircled, and infringed
easily with privacy by the camera addition cellular phone by always and everyone in the
contemporary society that can be taken a picture is instituted to the surveillance

【 contents 】("BOOK" From the data base. )

In the beginning - In general view (a passive country = Britain and others to the
protection of country = France/portrait that makes the judicial precedent
early)/first detective court of the each country rule of taking a picture and making
public, rule that arose outside rule (The portrait is a condition and others needed by
the approval of/defended from taking a picture of without permission and making public
taking a picture and making public)/ third court that came into existence in rule
(Besides might being able to take a picture/that started from taking a picture by the
policeman without permission) /the second civil affairs court that came into existence.
(photograph and others related to/public figure's privacy from "Loan lowering
photograph" to pool report)

【 author information 】("BOOK" From the data base. )

Takashi Murakami [ya]([murakamitakashi])
Ehime Prefecture birth in 1933. Graduation of Department of Literature at Waseda
University. Highlights of experience are The Japan Newspaper Publishers and Editors
Association examination department general managers, and secretaries-general of the
mass communication ethics informal social gathering. (This data is the one published at
that time at the time of be published this book. )


It is the Internet free translation service used
I think that a rough meaning is transmitted though this doesn't have an accurate
translation getting.
The original is here.

Human rights of minority in the world and Google Street View

..".. day of service beginning of street view
A serious problem of proliferating explosively is watched" (9): Manabu Kitaguchi

The article the 16th and the 22nd "It wants you to stop the street view service at once"
was published two times by the reader letters column of "Asahi Shimbun".

The article with "The blog and HP on the net were read and 60 percent and a negative
sect were about 40 percent in present point street view allowance sect" was seen in the
column of the net version of Asahi Shimbun (It is thought [datta]) several days ago. It
adhered to the street view function in those people though people of not so knowing the
Internet were a lot of Japan that was still and the person "It was creepy, and doesn't want
to open to the public ..not wanting the copy.." in the feeling that had been done for these
several days positive the explained thing had the impression that exceeded 80 percent. A
negative sect might be more abundant overwhelmingly in the entire Japan. It imagines
The thing that privacy is started and a lot of problems have gushed is reported in world
media also in Australia that began to serve with Japan on the same day.

Http://japan.cnet.com/marketing/story/0, 3800080523, 20378762, and 00htm Japanese
Http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-10016077-71.html English

It is not thought to be be different though the tone of argument of the promotion sect
rejection to a new technology it, and "React to taking a picture at the Meiji era belong to
pulling out the soul" it and the tone of argument of not opening water to the use of new
service, a technical improvement, and an epoch-making technology are seen.
The consideration of people that it gives priority and the big problem point that should be
considered hurts the mind ..a lot of existence.. to existence thinks and we think that it
is a factor by the age ..alive.. in a very important age consider to progressing "Human
rights" and "Privacy" big though it is a feasible technology.
Service is begun in the United States, there is no example of starting opening to the
public and service like Japan in the opening in the assembly, the government agency,
and Europe and America that keeps examining it with media etc. while widely
exchanging the citizens, especially Europe, and it though limited France that serves and
has and does [hajime] is exceptional, the net use begins as well as Japan and the street
view service has not been begun in active Germany and Britain, etc. since the 90's
The science and technology and the technology for not exercising have only it a lot
though it is possible.
There was a chance to travel around the mountains region in Argentina together with
the German young person who worked for the human rights protection organization in
Roma (people who were called by the discrimination name with the gypsy) in Germany
at middle of the 1990's. It is recalled to have said, "The discrimination description and
the discrimination agitation in the Internet are in the midst to submit the report to EU
and Commision on Human Rights by the big problem". It is what occurs to the world
diverse issues, and is thought that nobody must be doing various things for a constant,
better social achievement.

It is ..acquaintance met yesterday.. .."Does it know the next house view?".. terrible.
It was taught and the retrieval was multiplied immediately.
The grade-schooler mimicked the Google street view as a free research during summer
vacation, "It took a picture of a house next door to the photograph and street view of
making by oneself" was made, and it became Much Ado about Nothing opened to the
public to the Internet as a blog. "A legal problem is none because it is the same as taking
a picture from the public road of the Google Co." and Much Ado about Nothing that takes
a defiant attitude grow further and the blog is a site that had been closed where such a
fiction was posted now.


"Grade-schooler's blog made the house view in the next of the topic. "
(dated August 5, 2008)

What is the friend met today , saying that "..floatage.. [-n] and Chinese quatrain [dane]
「Isn't this observed by neither [moaruyona] nor vicinity and an unexpected tool for a
moment ..open to the public.. on the net? it is likely to be used as a tool of an awful
personal attackThis?The fiction, [tekisoujanai] ..a full actually copycat criminal it... 」
The blog in the teacher of the description [sareteita] [uyamawa] university wears reality
when there is an anxiety as the tool of the personal attack in the street view.


The street view service used for "Attack" of present, especially the discrimination
agitation of the village to be discriminated to people on a huge bulletin board etc. turns
into the tool "I will attack it because I do not enter his [ki]" and "The vicinity trouble will
be written and I write endurance [surunimohodogaaru] and abuse on the net", and is
raised naturally by the anxiety of not entering the state that who receives the attack is not understood.
It is data that has information with very various images of numberplates such as the
image of the personal residence, the door plate, the people, and cars. There is a natural
reaction "It is yucky" in taking a picture of my house by no permission and open to the
public to the world as the image. The image of home that people and the acquaintance
in the vicinity can easily use is open to the public regardless of none malicious, and
moreover, it is "This house is envied while traveling Italy now" and. " "Though house to
which it always comes home at 9 PM. 「The laundry of this reflected house is **'s in the
street of ..encounter.. , view. Swimming holds out together until 9 PM. 」・・・・ in
imaginary fears though only have to be ended. frighten of appearance the net of
tempering with additive information
「Surely, it goes out. Do not you think seeming go out the vicinity trouble?」

It thought by parting from one's friend while walking.
Someone's the strong possession of the person in the vicinity of the village
discriminated in people who have the discriminating attitude and discrimination feelings
and the person born and grow up in the vicinity of deflecting more words.
Narrator and my reducing stress, wrong knowledge, and discrimination agitation net
information is swallowed on trust this harmony district description commenting of
accuracy of writing an anonymous bulletin board in the Internet and administrative
material. overflow, the point under discussion of the seriousness of a malignant
discrimination writing is substituted only to damage the mind of people in the village to
be discriminated to shreds, and the discriminating attitude that logic that starts passing
over the seriousness of "Name of a place bleaching" on name of a place total [**]
problem and the net dares to be still deep-rooted now of through [suru] and the vicinity
resident. When such people might be writing the region that the vicinity and I know in
the discrimination writing written in the anonymous discrimination bulletin board with
malice. It is accumulated.
It unites with the tool with convenient discriminating attitude and the discrimination
writing is flooded.
And, when it was not a risk turned only by people in the village to be discriminated and
became it. Do it have the authority the Google Co. street view presses such a frightening
risk against us why and the right?

However, the mass media of Japan is [n] without neatly in telling [naindaronaa;] ・・・・
Europe the country of beginning at all straight why as for the movement of foreign
countries and information.


It is the Internet free translation service used
I think that a rough meaning is transmitted though this doesn't have an accurate
translation getting.
The original is here.

Google Street View and Japan Human rights

 It is at August 5, 2008 that Google began the Street View service in Japan. An enough
dissemination has not been done in Japan before beginning of service. Neither [watashiron]
in media nor [hiyaringu]
from the citizens were done in Japan at all. The associated problem happened to a peculiar
society, and culture to Japan. It contains the problem of human rights and discrimination.
The citizens in Japan are requesting an international network and the information exchange
of this service from the
viewpoint of human rights and the privacy protection.

The result in which people of about 60% worrying about this service of Google big, and worrying
about the result of the public opinion poll of all mass communications is reported.

Google that sticks to a single international format doesn't correspond to the demand of the keen
citizens for social Japanese original circumstances all.

The voice of the anxiety of people of a lot of citizens and NGO that is related to the pro-human right and
the education of the minority, the minority, and the minority that is discriminated is growing day by day.
We are requesting the information exchange and unity with people in the world.

Basic knowledge of minority problem in Japan

Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute aims at eliminating Buraku discrimination and all
other forms of discrimination and establishing human rights in society through making researches in
history, society, economy, legislation, culture, education and people's activities, and planning and
implementing various educational programs, to contribute to an early solution of these human rights
Buraku Problem Basic

What is Buraku Problem?

Japan: Street View and discriminated hamlets

This atical is not witten by Mr.Manabu and Buraku-min people


Japan: Street View and the Burakumin

The Internet, many would argue, has created the possibility for anyone to express their opinions
freely without having to belong to a category of people with the “legitimacy to speak”
(i.e. journalists, scholars, etc.). Recently, however, some have worried about an increase
in the number of racist and denigrative comments against minorities spreading across the web.

In Japan, for example, the advent of Google's new Street View service [GSV], aside fromarousing
indignation among someand sparkingdebates over privacy issuesamong others, has also led some
bloggers to discuss the relationship between areas photographed in GSV and the so-calledhisabetsu
buraku(被差別部落). Thehisabetsu burakuare discriminated hamlets inhabited by people who,
for many centuries and over many generations, have carried the burden of doing the “tainted jobs”
(butchers, executioners etc.). Theseburakumin(部落民) [hamlet people] resemble theDalits[the
untouchables], the lowest caste in the south-east Asian Hindu system, both formally abolished
under modern constitutional systems but continuing their existence through prejudice in
the minds of many people.

The first to raise questions regarding the topic of Google Street View and discrimination was
Manabu Kitaguchi [北口学] atJournalist-Net, a journalist, expert in human rights and president
of theJapan Journalists Association for Human Rights(日本人権ジャーナリスト会):
In the U.S., debates about privacy and human rights sprang up after the launch of Google's
new service, Street View, and in Europe many human rights NGOs opposed its launch.
However, in Japan, where there is no debate between citizens and media, the service was launched
and it had a big impact on the Japanese problem of discrimination. In particular, following the launch
[of the service], there was an increase in the number of people leaving anonymous messages on
online bulletin boards instigating discrimination and threads with titles of “high-tech area names
list” [in reference to the infamous “List of Buraku Area Names”, seeWikipedia articlefor details],
together with identification of the discriminated areas [through the use of Google's images]

With the launch of this easy-to-use service in a country with endemic discrimination issues,
Google has started a service that is giving rise to major problems. The company should,
I think, initiate a dialogue with Japanese human rights groups and hold public hearings.
I cannot help feeling that the “righteous” attitude here is to face the people who have been
hurt and make efforts to listen to those parties that have fallen victim to the influence of
this service.

Another blogger, Nobuo Sakiyama [崎山伸夫], became interested in the issue and expressed
his opinion about Mr. Kitaguchi's entry athis blog:

On this issue of the areas not covered [in Street View], which continues to draw attention,

I did a bit of investigating on the blanked-out zones [in GSV] and their connection with
burakumin areas, a topic about which I have no familiarity — at first I only knew of one such
place. It turns out that those uncovered areas correspond to places well-known for the presence
discriminated communities.
However, the borderline between the blanked-out zones and the areas that are not blanked out
is very subtle and, of course, no data about this matter has ever been released.

So I decided to ask the opinion of a well-known researcher on the topic of discriminated

(I prefer not to reveal his name at the moment) to get their thoughts on this issue. I wrote
[this researcher] an email, stating my personal opinion (regarding the relationship between
Google Street
View and discrimination against some specific communities) that, “Although tackling issues
concerning the buraku discrimination problem is not my main interest, I do not however think
that it is appropriate for the location of those discriminated communities to become known
.” As the matter has now been taken up by the scholar I contacted, as well as the journalist
Mr. Kitaguchi, I am now considering withdrawing from this debate.

We do not need Google Street View in Japan 8

"A serious problem of proliferating explosively on the day of the service beginning of street view is
watched. "(8)
..".. day of service beginning of street view
A serious problem of proliferating explosively is watched" (8): Manabu Kitaguchi
"A serious problem of proliferating explosively on the day of the service beginning of street view is
watched. "(8)
..".. day of service beginning of street view
A serious problem of proliferating explosively is watched" (8): Manabu Kitaguchi

It introduced this serial etc. to a popular blog in the title like the Google street view and the
discrimination against outcast people, etc.
Though it is a site "Blog of cape [yamanobuo]"
Inspection person's do many and popular site and it exists. I think a thing honored on the site
where a lot of interesting descriptions concerning a sharp tone of argument and the net exist.
We wish to express our gratitude to cape mountain really. It is thought that it is well versed in a
situation etc. that are more international than we the nets, and do it inquire calmly of the researcher
and as for posture etc. to which the postscript is written, is the meaning too passionate in which we
are it noted by the matter of the discrimination against outcast people for the problem of the
street view? read this site from examined thing of having been doneIt blushes to a way of talking.

Mr,Taniyama has written.
"However, it is likely not to go all because it is because of Google because malice has come from
another though it is a problem in this that Google is opt-out. "
Part..give a deep sigh.And, it ..regrettable thing reality.. is done that do "By chance ..the Google
street view and the village problem.. ..cape mountain.." and the relation between "Village
discrimination description" on the net and the street view is serious "Two chat question of personal
rightss" of huge bulletin board "Two channels" situations , for example, the corner etc. as examined
by disregarding [wa].
The cape mountain's anxiety was true. The realities are miserable. Though it can be said to the
amount that sees only display information on the Google street view as acquaintance's researcher
says, "It is not in the situation in which the village can be identified by the street view of a city concerned
", persons concerned who are discriminated seriously the current state that URL that indicates the image
of the street view to the place of the outline "Let's write the image information in the region in the village
to be discriminated in this thread" keeps being written, and inspected think that it is a thing that cannot
be endured.
It will be written by us, "It might been worried it is extra by the name of a place known halfway".
It will not be able to be said that all are facts and figures in writing in an irresponsible anonymous
bulletin board. Since related to this harmony, ..law.. ..invalid.. so-called people's other than village
native who is discriminated appearing case to move in in constructed public housing as measures
business to a certain this harmony problem, and hearing it is movement of current state from
which gym that has been operated and facilities remove the limitation and are used as
antidiscrimination measures and moving in removal about village to be discriminated,There is
in this harmony district specified by the administration the house and what independent people
obtain the house in the region seems also to exist also the place where the native who lives has
difficultly increased to a peripheral general house and the rental unit, too running short as for
the marriage. However, it can be thought that it is a level to be able to disregard the realities
written only to afflict the mind of the person concerned who is discriminated actually, for the
name of a place of an actual region to be discriminated to afflict the mind of people in the village
only discriminated, and to shake and to reel discrimination.
There is no display "This area is a village region to be discriminated" in the public information
of the Google street view as researcher's saying. However, it is open to the public in the amount
with a huge discrimination writing like the mountain and street view image URL on another site
and has been accumulated the log in the past. A lot of facts of using the function of the Google
street view, indicating the site of the street view, and pressing inspection are seen. Such a
thread continues and [ru] current misery progresses as a real problem.
It seems whenever the character to which the mind of people who make the reality and the
deletion request how much inaccurate and the irresponsible anonymous name of a place
writing keeps damaging a lot of minds of people is displayed, "[Apo] [n]" is watched and the
chest becomes painful.
Even misgivings of becoming it what's of "Region to be discriminated" a new net invents
inspecting on the net, swallowing inaccurate name of a place information on trust,
arising, and generalizing and making it to fixation are held. The one how foolish
"Discrimination" goes out and the breath goes out with the spread for the net
because it is deep.
Though it has been written [tsuratsura] though it thinks word "Screen of the street view"
that the researcher means to be the street because of those current states, I never think that
various problems and the importance of writing in the invented anonymous bulletin board
are the matters, and the seriousness that cannot be disregarded on "Village problem" of
Japan still according to the word and the conception of cape mountain scratched in the
point "Street view and village problem" by using the function of the Google street view.
Persons concerned can give a lot of voices, and the seriousness of discrimination on the
net been published even by the book for these ten years or more. ("Discrimination event
that meets and is succeeded" liberating publisher etc.)At the beginning, major media are as
having been frequently reported [wo].
People who use the net are the future and the youth and people of the young generation
the importance of the Internet as the increasing source will be thought to be a further
increase in the future. The chance that a source of the village to be discriminated and a
young generation meet a serious village problem for the first time now will be a net when the
future, and misgivings to obtaining wrong knowledge from the Internet have thought that it
is a reality just out of curiosity , saying that "Where is the village to be discriminated near
of me?".
Around here..person concerned..people..voice..education..site..antidiscrimination
transmission..discrimination..description..problem..age..animal protection..movement.
years..situation..see..identity..come..fear..heartless..violent language..write in..become
the focus of an attack..person concerned..fear..imagine.I think that the influence of
"This harmony bashing" by which the journalist etc. who did not know coverage shortage
and historical passage of media at last few years seem to have passed is also large.
The human rights situation in the Internet of Japan becomes feelings that people of resident
from South and North Korea's people and ..hindrance.. [gai] [sha] and Ainu race's discriminatory
writing in a traditional ceremony etc. are really sad.
Is it a style with which my own serial overflowed feelings will being to read sincerity that
the touch and the confirmation of cape mountain's blog are taken?It was a wry smile reflection feeling.
It doesn't put in the main discourse easily due to the unhappy situation and the event on
a new net that appears every day and the situation from in front of from which it keeps
writing the problem of "Discrimination against outcast people" though my serial began
intending the reference of the cultural information field at the digital age has been expressed
by the appearance of the Google street view.
It is likely to remember it some when thinking about the current state of my style and
present serial content in the in one's own way.
Shall I say the desire to people have been met on the part to the Internet of love and my life?
It participates in the network discussed whether use the Internet to which an educator
all over the world and people of NGO began to spread the 1990's and how for us to teach
children a minority that the remote place, is the poorest segment of the population,
and all over the world. The experience to have been impressed by the throb feeling of the
international net said that power and the experience of the world are concentrated and
[enpawa-] of the method of educating the teaching material done on the net might be a
starting point of love. The writing of [nozootto] Umeda etc. were to have known the
exchange and the current on such an international net had developed into the encyclopedia
on the net "Wikipedia" well.
In his writing recent 'Theorem in five web ages',
『・・・If the user's distribution is seen, the user who still biases the sphere in English to
the culture of "Organization that belongs real name @" compared with the sphere of Japanese
is shown to extend. I think that "Culture biased in an anonymous direction" including
the prosperity of "Two channels" is a special culture that the Japanese picked out.
Such misgivings are strongly held recently if it doesn't civilize it in the sphere of Japanese
even if a peculiar culture to this "Biased in an anonymous direction" Japanese sphere net
space limits a fertile possibility of the net, and various "Good the one" is civilized in
the English sphere net space. 』(Bungeishunju in March, 2008 written by [nozootto] '
Theorem in five web ages' Umeda 223 pages)
It is described. It is this completely feeling.
It is in the last few years at the time of actually feel whether minority and suppressor's
people use the Internet by the net report etc. over overseas coverage and "Human rights",
it come to be able to access the meaningful information how much or the net has been
how much used for the pro-human right. Even if it sees progress by information sending
and holding to the net from persons concerned over Tibet the Olympics in the Uighur
provinces in China of the festive mood of what, the power of the net is quite learnt.
The expectation and the current state, etc. turned to the Internet of the power of the
Internet and the minority of the world let me entitle, cultural column "The personnel
development was a pressing need because it preserved construction and a region of
opening to the public culture advanced in the digital archive world" of Mainichi Shimbun
on May 9, 2008 based on overseas coverage and the surveillance study and write. Moreover,
I think that the importance in recent years appears dark though "Human rights journalist's
meeting" e-mail magazine to which digital human rights media information on the net is
delivered is seen. I think that I strongly have it of a far vaster, at the same time richer possibility,
the possibility to the Internet world that is the world of fertile wisdom, and the expectation
though the discrimination description on the net is a very serious large problem.

Love to the Internet is turned to the Google Co., and done by feelings connected directly
with the expectation for the enterprise named Google with the headquarters in the
unpleasantness and the United States. It is thought that the manuscript concerning
the Google street view is written, and do it open to the public and it is not possible to
know on the net. The desire to write will disappear, too, if it is thought it is meaningless.
Shall I say the [kosono] candid advice from expectations [gaaru]?
Generations of us who doesn't have even the memory delaying behind the security
treaty for the security treaty for 60 years and 70 years and the student movements, etc.
are like me the support political party, either irrelevant also to the sect etc. , there not
a belonging organization, and either are generations who have lived. It is large in
the environmental pollution issue that makes "Minamata" a representative in the starting point,
undertakes the influence, and [sha] ..hindrance.. ..saying.. movement of [ga] that appeared
in the message "It is [de] ..breezing.. ..[ka].. ..[no].. way in the town" in youth has the memory
of receiving a fresh impact the anti-war and the peace education , for example,
"Hiroshima Nagasaki" etc.
Person's it is human rights, movement, normalization, gender-equal, and it is country
named the United States where all the Google Co. came into existence small number of
sexual learning of small number of people of a lot of matters like a discrimination prohibition,
an affirmative action, the indigenous people problem, and the civil rights movement etc.
to the person. Neither human rights nor discrimination are permitted, and it will be able to
be said that the United States that works on the person's right protection in small number of
people by one's best is a country of existence like the master of me who was receiving youth in the 80's.
For me who received the baptism of those breath of Los Angeles and San Francisco in the 80's,
it thinks many of "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", "Day of Times Of Harvey Milk",
"Dances With Wolves", "Sarafina!", and "Cry Freedom", etc. and I think that there are an expectation
and trust in the American movie and United States consciences that have a big influence on me
who floats.
My "Amnesty International and a human rights watches are invented and Google Co. that came
into existence from the country named the United States with a big influence to the movement
for the human rights of the country and all parts of the world named the United States
that raised it" recognition might have sweetness in the age like a globalization and an i
nternational strategy, etc.The United States master do J. Jackson in Tokyo however,
movie director's in New York Mr. spike Lee Christine [choi] promotion of ..hindrance.. [gai] [sha]
independent living movement that meets in various parts of, and memory and movies of meeting
people to develop the minority right protection movement might believe the existence of
Conscience of America for me.

It fills in simple feelings that do not only have to disappear discrimination. And, the Google
Co. keenly thinks praise to want you to cause the action to be worthy as soon as possible with
the effective respect against the discrimination realities on a miserable net of Japan.
It is thought that speech in the direction where the integrated society and people lose
discrimination and moving are wonderful.


It introduced this serial etc. to a popular blog in the title like the Google street view and the
discrimination against outcast people, etc.
Though it is a site "Blog of cape [yamanobuo]"
Inspection person's do many and popular site and it exists. I think a thing honored on the site
where a lot of interesting descriptions concerning a sharp tone of argument and the net exist.
We wish to express our gratitude to cape mountain really. It is thought that it is well versed in a
situation etc. that are more international than we the nets, and do it inquire calmly of the researcher
and as for posture etc. to which the postscript is written, is the meaning too passionate in which we
are it noted by the matter of the discrimination against outcast people for the problem of the
street view? read this site from examined thing of having been doneIt blushes to a way of talking.

Mr,Taniyama has written.
"However, it is likely not to go all because it is because of Google because malice has come from
another though it is a problem in this that Google is opt-out. "
Part..give a deep sigh.And, it ..regrettable thing reality.. is done that do "By chance ..the Google
street view and the village problem.. ..cape mountain.." and the relation between "Village
discrimination description" on the net and the street view is serious "Two chat question of personal
rightss" of huge bulletin board "Two channels" situations , for example, the corner etc. as examined
by disregarding [wa].
The cape mountain's anxiety was true. The realities are miserable. Though it can be said to the
amount that sees only display information on the Google street view as acquaintance's researcher
says, "It is not in the situation in which the village can be identified by the street view of a city concerned
", persons concerned who are discriminated seriously the current state that URL that indicates the image
of the street view to the place of the outline "Let's write the image information in the region in the village
to be discriminated in this thread" keeps being written, and inspected think that it is a thing that cannot
be endured.
It will be written by us, "It might been worried it is extra by the name of a place known halfway".
It will not be able to be said that all are facts and figures in writing in an irresponsible anonymous
bulletin board. Since related to this harmony, ..law.. ..invalid.. so-called people's other than village
native who is discriminated appearing case to move in in constructed public housing as measures
business to a certain this harmony problem, and hearing it is movement of current state from
which gym that has been operated and facilities remove the limitation and are used as
antidiscrimination measures and moving in removal about village to be discriminated,There is
in this harmony district specified by the administration the house and what independent people
obtain the house in the region seems also to exist also the place where the native who lives has
difficultly increased to a peripheral general house and the rental unit, too running short as for
the marriage. However, it can be thought that it is a level to be able to disregard the realities
written only to afflict the mind of the person concerned who is discriminated actually, for the
name of a place of an actual region to be discriminated to afflict the mind of people in the village
only discriminated, and to shake and to reel discrimination.
There is no display "This area is a village region to be discriminated" in the public information
of the Google street view as researcher's saying. However, it is open to the public in the amount
with a huge discrimination writing like the mountain and street view image URL on another site
and has been accumulated the log in the past. A lot of facts of using the function of the Google
street view, indicating the site of the street view, and pressing inspection are seen. Such a
thread continues and [ru] current misery progresses as a real problem.
It seems whenever the character to which the mind of people who make the reality and the
deletion request how much inaccurate and the irresponsible anonymous name of a place
writing keeps damaging a lot of minds of people is displayed, "[Apo] [n]" is watched and the
chest becomes painful.
Even misgivings of becoming it what's of "Region to be discriminated" a new net invents
inspecting on the net, swallowing inaccurate name of a place information on trust,
arising, and generalizing and making it to fixation are held. The one how foolish "Discrimination" goes out
and the breath goes out with the spread for the net because it is deep.
Though it has been written [tsuratsura] though it thinks word "Screen of the street view"
that the researcher means to be the street because of those current states, I never think that
various problems and the importance of writing in the invented anonymous bulletin board
are the matters, and the seriousness that cannot be disregarded on "Village problem" of
Japan still according to the word and the conception of cape mountain scratched in the
point "Street view and village problem" by using the function of the Google street view.
Persons concerned can give a lot of voices, and the seriousness of discrimination on the
net been published even by the book for these ten years or more. ("Discrimination event
that meets and is succeeded" liberating publisher etc.)At the beginning, major media are as
having been frequently reported [wo].
People who use the net are the future and the youth and people of the young generation
the importance of the Internet as the increasing source will be thought to be a further
increase in the future. The chance that a source of the village to be discriminated and a
young generation meet a serious village problem for the first time now will be a net when the
future, and misgivings to obtaining wrong knowledge from the Internet have thought that it
is a reality just out of curiosity , saying that "Where is the village to be discriminated near
of me?".
Around here..person concerned..people..voice..education..site..antidiscrimination
transmission..discrimination..description..problem..age..animal protection..movement.
years..situation..see..identity..come..fear..heartless..violent language..write in..become
the focus of an attack..person concerned..fear..imagine.I think that the influence of
"This harmony bashing" by which the journalist etc. who did not know coverage shortage
and historical passage of media at last few years seem to have passed is also large.
The human rights situation in the Internet of Japan becomes feelings that people of resident
from South and North Korea's people and ..hindrance.. [gai] [sha] and Ainu race's discriminatory
writing in a traditional ceremony etc. are really sad.
Is it a style with which my own serial overflowed feelings will being to read sincerity that
the touch and the confirmation of cape mountain's blog are taken?It was a wry smile reflection feeling.
It doesn't put in the main discourse easily due to the unhappy situation and the event on
a new net that appears every day and the situation from in front of from which it keeps
writing the problem of "Discrimination against outcast people" though my serial began
intending the reference of the cultural information field at the digital age has been expressed
by the appearance of the Google street view.
It is likely to remember it some when thinking about the current state of my style and
present serial content in the in one's own way.
Shall I say the desire to people have been met on the part to the Internet of love and my life?
It participates in the network discussed whether use the Internet to which an educator
all over the world and people of NGO began to spread the 1990's and how for us to teach
children a minority that the remote place, is the poorest segment of the population,
and all over the world. The experience to have been impressed by the throb feeling of the
international net said that power and the experience of the world are concentrated and
[enpawa-] of the method of educating the teaching material done on the net might be a
starting point of love. The writing of [nozootto] Umeda etc. were to have known the
exchange and the current on such an international net had developed into the encyclopedia
on the net "Wikipedia" well.
In his writing recent 'Theorem in five web ages',
『・・・If the user's distribution is seen, the user who still biases the sphere in English to
the culture of "Organization that belongs real name @" compared with the sphere of Japanese
is shown to extend. I think that "Culture biased in an anonymous direction" including
the prosperity of "Two channels" is a special culture that the Japanese picked out.
Such misgivings are strongly held recently if it doesn't civilize it in the sphere of Japanese
even if a peculiar culture to this "Biased in an anonymous direction" Japanese sphere net
space limits a fertile possibility of the net, and various "Good the one" is civilized in
the English sphere net space. 』(Bungeishunju in March, 2008 written by [nozootto] '
Theorem in five web ages' Umeda 223 pages)
It is described. It is this completely feeling.
It is in the last few years at the time of actually feel whether minority and suppressor's
people use the Internet by the net report etc. over overseas coverage and "Human rights",
it come to be able to access the meaningful information how much or the net has been
how much used for the pro-human right. Even if it sees progress by information sending
and holding to the net from persons concerned over Tibet the Olympics in the Uighur
provinces in China of the festive mood of what, the power of the net is quite learnt.
The expectation and the current state, etc. turned to the Internet of the power of the
Internet and the minority of the world let me entitle, cultural column "The personnel
development was a pressing need because it preserved construction and a region of
opening to the public culture advanced in the digital archive world" of Mainichi Shimbun
on May 9, 2008 based on overseas coverage and the surveillance study and write. Moreover,
I think that the importance in recent years appears dark though "Human rights journalist's
meeting" e-mail magazine to which digital human rights media information on the net is
delivered is seen. I think that I strongly have it of a far vaster, at the same time richer possibility,
the possibility to the Internet world that is the world of fertile wisdom, and the expectation
though the discrimination description on the net is a very serious large problem.

Love to the Internet is turned to the Google Co., and done by feelings connected directly
with the expectation for the enterprise named Google with the headquarters in the
unpleasantness and the United States. It is thought that the manuscript concerning
the Google street view is written, and do it open to the public and it is not possible to
know on the net. The desire to write will disappear, too, if it is thought it is meaningless.
Shall I say the [kosono] candid advice from expectations [gaaru]?
Generations of us who doesn't have even the memory delaying behind the security
treaty for the security treaty for 60 years and 70 years and the student movements, etc.
are like me the support political party, either irrelevant also to the sect etc. , there not
a belonging organization, and either are generations who have lived. It is large in
the environmental pollution issue that makes "Minamata" a representative in the starting point,
undertakes the influence, and [sha] ..hindrance.. ..saying.. movement of [ga] that appeared
in the message "It is [de] ..breezing.. ..[ka].. ..[no].. way in the town" in youth has the memory
of receiving a fresh impact the anti-war and the peace education , for example,
"Hiroshima Nagasaki" etc.
Person's it is human rights, movement, normalization, gender-equal, and it is country
named the United States where all the Google Co. came into existence small number of
sexual learning of small number of people of a lot of matters like a discrimination prohibition,
an affirmative action, the indigenous people problem, and the civil rights movement etc.
to the person. Neither human rights nor discrimination are permitted, and it will be able to
be said that the United States that works on the person's right protection in small number of
people by one's best is a country of existence like the master of me who was receiving youth in the 80's.
For me who received the baptism of those breath of Los Angeles and San Francisco in the 80's,
it thinks many of "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", "Day of Times Of Harvey Milk",
"Dances With Wolves", "Sarafina!", and "Cry Freedom", etc. and I think that there are an expectation
and trust in the American movie and United States consciences that have a big influence on me
who floats.
My "Amnesty International and a human rights watches are invented and Google Co. that came
into existence from the country named the United States with a big influence to the movement
for the human rights of the country and all parts of the world named the United States
that raised it" recognition might have sweetness in the age like a globalization and an i
nternational strategy, etc.The United States master do J. Jackson in Tokyo however,
movie director's in New York Mr. spike Lee Christine [choi] promotion of ..hindrance.. [gai] [sha]
independent living movement that meets in various parts of, and memory and movies of meeting
people to develop the minority right protection movement might believe the existence of
Conscience of America for me.

It fills in simple feelings that do not only have to disappear discrimination. And, the Google
Co. keenly thinks praise to want you to cause the action to be worthy as soon as possible with
the effective respect against the discrimination realities on a miserable net of Japan.
It is thought that speech in the direction where the integrated society and people lose
discrimination and moving are wonderful.


Not good english so sorry for yours Machine transration
We do not need Google Street View in Japan.7

"A serious problem of proliferating explosively
on the day of the service beginning of street view is watched. "(7)
..".. day of service beginning of street view
A serious problem of proliferating explosively is watched" (7):

Manabu Kitaguchi

On the night, August 20, 2008 Eyes were doubted writing a huge bulletin board at 9:13:57.
A redoubtable tremble ran in the line of the backbone.
"This is unexpected. "
The manuscript of the writing schedule will turn next time, take the dawn in the emergency,
and finish up this manuscript. It burns when it is an urgent, important development of a
situation that might roll all parts of the world.
It is a moment when it overflows with discrimination, the mental abuse, and the personal
attack by the distorted unhealthy anonymity peculiar to Japan and writing the restored huge
bulletin board was seen.
Do the deletion request by the reason for privacy etc. and the image of the Google street view
to the screen at the street corner that became jet-black there
"What image on earth were you in this place that had been deleted?"
There was writing. And, it was a little and was written the loess. With the deleted photograph
「It is here to be erased. Leather might be dried. 」
It was an affixed contribution named URL that indicated the place "Uploader" with writing.
It is possible to preserve it in my PC by seeing the photograph in the house assumed to be
deleted when the URL is clicked.
Impact of meaning of writing and action of several lines of this huge bulletin board.
When it is unquestionable, all are collapses of the logic of the Google Co. that has insisted
obstinately. thorough in privacy, and correspond to the deletion request
The photograph open to the public in the place called an uploader is an image quality
that the Google street view is obviously taken a picture and has opened to the public.
What correspondence might the Google Co. on earth do to this situation?
Street in length, urban area, and the central area of Tokyo from street view Japan service
opening on August 5 to the public. Spectacle. Isn't it irresponsibly wise to all parts of
the world at this moment now at once to discontinue it wide-ranging a large amount of
images and digital information on the residential quarter? serve in Japan Google that
keeps being indicatedBecause people who cannot relieve it thanks to the Google street
view Japan service are [de] one after another, ..

This is a thread of the problem.

156 the ..person.. former: Nameless @ stomach is full. [↓]: 2008/08/20 (Wednesday) 20:02:41
http://maps.google.co.jp/maps?Ie=UTF8layer=ccbll=35.650843, 140.062641panoid=qZVNEEa9tM8KlLAH _ 625002566 (omission), and 0, 4.652233183333264ll=35.658656, 140.068302spn=0.015552, and 0.045533z=15

The image from the north side of this house is erased. Though it was an anxious article etc.
It is a home of [kimutako]. When it is a parents' family, it is [warosu].

It is here to be erased. Is leather dried?
Http://uproda.2ch-library.com/(omission). Jpg
・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Digital information can be copied and be preserved in the preparation. As for the digital data
discharged into the net, the copy preservation is easily done once. It is a matter strongly
described in this serial (5). The voice of impatiently making it to cannot the deletion easily
even if the deletion request is done to the Google Co. is seen here and there to a blog here
and there and the homepage. Moreover, there are a lot of voices that the next day and the
image that does the deletion request have revived as before, too, when having deleted it
even if relieved feeling relieved.
It is not possible to be relieved when deleted. The Google society happens, and the thrown
digital image everyone only for the image drips, is copied, preserved by the third party, is
exposed on the net to be able to do up-loading and inspection, and the thing "It is a house
where this was deleted" has happened.
The image that has already become too late and irrecoverable is open to the public in a dignified
manner though the image that drips, throws digital data, and involves some invasion of privacy
is opened to the public, the deletion request comes, and it deletes it in the place where the
management of the Google Co. doesn't reach when almost permanent.
Google Co. that opens it to the public all over the world without taking a picture without
permission by no permission, turning, and obtaining approval.
In the explanation of Google Japan to the privacy problem
「When the image is opened to the public, Keiichi Kawai (・・・・・) who serves as the product
manager in charge of the map product with Google explains, "It is thought that it doesn't
care by basically opening it to the public if it is what of it takes a picture from the public
road as a result of examining it in the law". Moreover, it was described that it wanted to
correspond by receiving the report from the user here because the link "Reported on an
improper image" was prepared on the help screen of the street view and dealing about an
improper image. 」http://internet.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/news/2008/08/05/20489.html

It can be said that it is exposed that the countermeasure to the privacy maintenance of
the Google Co. was to have had the meaning and the function to defend citizens' human
rights and privacy completely any longer in two service beginning weeks, and clearly
exposed of the powerlessness of the correspondence of Google. The anxiety described in
serial (5) has occurred in the worst appearance. Service of the street spectacle image opening
to the public will keep beginning in a Japanese society where the anonymous writing culture
that doesn't see the example so much spreads to Japan and another country that can buy
cheap, efficient PC with the image can easily copied onto PC and various street photographs
be for fun open to the public from [tanoda] regardless of [shinnise] , saying that "The deleted
black paint place is here".

The case with this Japan will arouse an international concern. It is a matter of time that
spreads to Europe and the United States, etc. as large news from Japan. The country that
is uneasy, worries about the service offer of the Google street view all over the world, and
bets the stop from the aspect of human-right violation is the majority. The group, the citizens,
and human rights NGO that is related importantly develop an active discussion with a lot of privacy
problems for a serious problem and one year or more only as for this service though
there are a lot of countries where the Internet is widespread in Europe and there is
no country in Europe. The mass media reports on the privacy problem every day also
in the United States.
It seems to pull a lot of concerns of the citizens again with the speech field and media of
Britain in the EU administration of justice and to be turned an active criticism to this service.
If this event of Japan was spread to Europe and the United States where the human rights
group continues lobbying, the large echo is sure to be created. The explanation of
"It was not a privacy problem because it deleted the problem image" and Google on which
it insisted obstinately in forcible failed. What can it fulfil one's responsibility this situation
in Japan?
Moreover, up-loading and the aging problem to another site with the deletion request
and malice for a peculiar village problem to Japan are suffering of a more serious problem
and the person concerned, and human-right violations.
This event of Japan will give a big impact to EU nations such as Britain, France, Germany,
and Italy.
And, service and Google Japan that began : in Japan though it knows the existence of a huge
bulletin board to which a peculiar anonymous discrimination writing to it is about the
consideration of a peculiar discrimination against outcast people to Japan to the problem
and Japan is flooded. The possibility to be brought in to Commision on Human Rights, the discrimination prohibition committee, the International Covenants on Human Rights social
right rule, and the freedom rule committee at which the discrimination problem of Japan is
discussed is high.
Serious discrimination and the question of personal rights are caused, and the official
account "Consideration to the deletion and privacy" that the Google Co. has explained
all over the world as a serious problem and a countermeasure is powerless at all.
The current state to which pouring away and invasion of privacy progress might exceed EU
and the frame named Japan in the United States at a dash, and Commision on Human Rights etc.
come to be exposed under the daylight by the individual report system and NGO reports
etc.International code concerning economical social, cultural right (A rule) and "Direction of
the future where unofficial meeting concerning discrimination based on occupation and world
system (Geneva in March, 2006) was based", for Yozo Yokota (special reporter concerning the
abolition of professor of Chuo University and United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion
and Protection of Human Rights "Discrimination based on the occupation and the world system") etc. ,
I think that I should report to the place of those United Nations in various shape of the
discrimination agitation by the Google street view use that the people discriminated
by Japan have faced this time etc.
Naturally, the problem will be instituted to the place of the United Nations as for present
service of Google Co. Japan the way things are going. Managers will deliberate lower
reputation like any whether the Google Co. receives all over the world.
Being able to become an opportunity that various foreign countries begin to use is what
in the individual report system to the victim United Nations for the pro-human right and
the privacy protection etc. writing and the photograph publishing "It is powerless and meaningless
for the privacy of Google" that happened in Japan on the 20th of only two lines invent.
This [ke-zu] "The deletion image is exposed on a huge bulletin board" of Japan will reach
people who put the Google street view of Europe and America in question in less than no time ,
saying that "Impact news".
Japan..culture..now..still..happen in succession..anonymity..foreign resident in Japan..
handicapped person..discrimination..village..people..cruel..huge..bulletin board..write
in..Japan..human rights..consideration..propose..problem..image..application..delete..privacy..measures..do..collapse.
I think that I can peel off all over the world and should send information from Japan.
Only the network and the dissemination with people in all parts of the world to which it keeps
making an effort to note a similar question of personal rights in Australia in Switzerland in Germany
and to prevent unrestricted of the Google street view service beginning and being developed seem
to be strong now when it is important timing in Britain.
As for the Google Co. street view to have disclosed a digital image information of a lot of street
corners now, do people who should say the victim receive pains purposely, should take by the
deletion request, and the unpleasantness and the anxiety by a lot of people, and how develop
a business liability and a social duty to the question of personal rights as the enterprise that
acts in Japan with the current state in which it is made burdening a mental pain and uneasiness
the future now?Isn't it natural to have to do big work?。The world must pay attention, and because
it is connecting directly with the corporate image.
If the project with the sincere response and the effect immediately is not started, it is likely
to be thought Google Co. Japan to be an enterprise of an unexpected image from all parts of the
Though it will explain gently to the Google Co. in this manuscript because I am not a person
concerned to whom the body, the house, and the car, etc. are open to the public in the street view,
isn't not not neither it a person concerned, it open to the public moving to immediate
correspondence nor an enterprise of the justice and the conscience , saying that youths
who watch and "I want to make only the fruit of one's loin happy establishing the society
where it doesn't discriminate unjust painful" as for the net of people who are unpleasant
feelings and villages to be discriminated? can imagine minds of parents who are wishing
even a little
(Continue. )

A postscript is added, and the erroneous findings of fact under the serial is [pekori] that
is the correction.
It is a description correction in serial (2) sentence. It is a misunderstanding and let me
correct it by a new access to information, please.
・The mail address was registered during half a year from being able the dance and it became a
system named inspection free of charge though everyone was able to inspect freely at first
by service "Location view".
(When the memory of old times was considerably retraced again, remodeling HP was recalled
not to be done very thoroughly. )
・In France"It is [kaketeorimasu] in a French constitution as for collision [surutomatta]. "
In correction → France"Seem to make it to opening an extremely limited area such as
shopping streets where the course and the approval of downtown [yatsu-ru] [do] France
were gotten to the public when colliding with a French constitution. "

・Service was stopped in Canada. It is the following in the domestic law that becomes the grounds.
Privacy Legislation
The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents A
The serial blog article is the following in the past.
・ Do ..past.. ..sentence [mogo].. [warami]. the village problem and the blog (Be serializing it)
related to the street view
"A serious problem of proliferating explosively on the day of the service beginning of street
view is watched. "

Related information HP ..(.. JAPANESE )
(Continue. )

We do not need Google Street View in Japan 6

"A serious problem of proliferating explosively on the day of the service beginning of street view is watched. "(6)
..".. day of service beginning of street view
A serious problem of proliferating explosively is watched" (6): Manabu Kitaguchi

"Google street view" in which the criticism is rising gradually from the service beginning
"Entered the state that should be said, "Street view problem" slowly. "
The tone of argument has come to be shown, too. Because it seemed to have to advance the discussion in various places, relation WEB collection was made.

It can be thought even that it is a strategy such as defense lawyers of the Google Co. though is an impression "Privacy discussion" in which vagueness that regarding conditions of a country, the culture, and the individual is various remains that watches the discussion of this United States of one and a half years and the discussion about the world.
It is an anxious point that the tone of argument that touches the question of personal rights with a Japanese society with an extremely serious peculiar discrimination against outcast people is a too little. A malignant writing using the street view of the Google Co. is flooded in a huge bulletin board from which writing the discrimination against outcast people is seen a lot every day. And, a malignant case like the extraction of the malignancy and the deleted part too and the repeated up-loading, etc. has been seen since yesterday. An anonymous bulletin board with a lot of discrimination slanders is the surprises at the malignancy like unusual.
The deliberation of the Google Co. in the United States in human rights and the discrimination problem and the conscience and the social responsibilities as the enterprise of the representative in Japan is requested.

Reference HP related to street view problem collection
(The symbolical one that seems to be important it because of the high rank of the Google retrieval is picked up. )

・ "Street view" handling introduction of Google Co.
・ Explanation of Google Japan to privacy problem
・ It is too terrible and 2ch : a strange image to the festival.
・ It is an image of introduced Japan also in foreign countries.
・ Report when it begins to serve the United States(one example)
・ Report when it begins to serve Japan(one example)
・ There are a lot of sympathy, too and it is translated into English and yucky service and the criticism blog are paid to attention also in foreign countries.
・ Street view and privacy discussion bulletin board
・ Anxiety [uyamawa] university cyber act teacher's blog as tool of personal attack
・ Report that does image deletion claim to theft prevention(individual blog)
・ The street view is a page of privacy view popular blog [kikkosan].
・ Blog concerning privacy problem

・ In the view location view of two domestic large streets age
・ The criticism deletion comes one after another.

・"Meeting to which Google street view is opposite" community of [mikushi-]
・ Village problem and blog related to street view(Be serializing it. )


We do not need Google Street View in Japan 5

"A serious problem of proliferating explosively on the day of
the service beginning of street view is watched. "(5)
..".. day of service beginning of street view
A serious problem of proliferating explosively is watched" (5):
Manabu Kitaguchi

The serial is a content to which "A lot of opinions of people who recite the unpleasantness to this
service have been expressed" is received by the introduction with the analyze the present state.

The mass media was reported though the report to refer the anxiety to this harmony problem and
personal inquiries, etc. neatly was few though a lot of pros and cons parallel description
introductions that seemed to be impartial seemingly had been seen. However, information on the
insistence of the privacy protection group in the movement of the activity of privacy and the human
rights group in the exercise of people who grapple with the lawsuit, the group of human rights in the
U.S., and the privacy problem of happening in succession in the United States, the content, and
Europe and America, current states, and EU and Britain where service seems to be begun limitedly
etc. is a part to be expected of the report of the mass media in the future still.

There seem to be a lot of one "It is ..criticizing because of interesting service it..", "Embarrassing it
because it is copied is feel ashamed", and "It is too nervous in privacy and human rights though
there are a lot of happy campers" ..the opinion of the assentor on the net...

On the other hand, a lot of opinions of people who recite the unpleasantness to this service are

- 「A mere photograph, and it is linked with map information and offering it in the shape that can be
retrieved is great difference. Even home and the whole town exactly : ..taking a picture of I and the
belongings while it doesn't know and open to the public.. There are only neither SF target fear society
nor a saying way. 」
- "It is not well because it is a scope of control from the public road" →"There are some parts that are
the shape that the aspect looks into high" and "The person who misuses it makes a preliminary
inspection without this" →. 「Immediately obtaining information on a lifestyle and peaceful this no,
etc. from the address leads to the marriage discrimination and the finding employment discrimination.
The character of 'Misuse' is different from your idea. 」
- 「It is scared that home is shown by the address input by one announcement. There is a house
where the door plate or the numberplate can be considerably distinguished, too. If it notices and the
deletion request is not done, it is awful to be exposed for a long time. The residential area doesn't
put anything and : though thinks that it was necessary to consider it. 」

- The man photograph a Google map new function and in deletion request following [jishokushitsu]
also ..".. :.
August 6, 2008
Google explains, "The image of which it took a picture from the public road was judged that opening
to the public was basically possible". It is said that the number of cars uses, shades off the automatic
identification function by passer-by's face, and makes it reflect as much as possible when taking a
picture and not crowd.
However, the image of the couple etc. who try to belong to the man and the hotel where the
questioning is received from the policeman on a downtown road can be inspected in the photograph.

Therefore, the commotion introduces looking for the image related to the personal privacy has
occurred on the bulletin board site of the net immediately after the service beginning.

Google requests from the screen, and says that it wants to correspond while consulting with those
who inform the deletion of the image that violates privacy and offends public order and morals.

- It is assumed that it undertakes invasion of privacy and the man and woman of U.S. Pennsylvania
state living : this company.
The Google side's having done the rebuttal assumed to be "Privacy etc. did not exist in the
contemporary society" by the appealed trial became clear on the 31st.

Google was described in the trial, "The total privacy etc. did not exist even if the advancement of the
satellite technology was received, and it existed at the center of the desert in modern days", and it
objected for the insistences of the plaintiffs who assumed that the function of "Street View" was
invasion of privacy.

Various information that the opinion and the mass communication that was not able to consent to
the rebuttal of the Google Co. to the privacy bringing a case of the above-mentioned United States
did not refer begins to be known via the Internet. The collapse of various foreign countries for the
appearance seems to have changed from the reaction at first of can the surprise by the quality of the
opinion declaration to this service and the content after these several days in case of "It is ..[waa;]..
terrible" when coming.

・ ・・・・Street..view..Tokyo..image..splendid..person..provide..employee..reflect..privately owned
area..resident..other than..vehicle..ride into..forbid..region..enter..stately..take a picture..open to the
public..area..individual..specify..make an excuse..do..face..shade
ad. Permanent address..drive..home..without any
mistake..strike..do..astonishment..notification..without permission..take a
picture..deletion..apply..erase..unjust..once..all parts of the world..open to the
out..impossible..interesting..famous..become..here and there..copy..delete..too
late..computer..have..person..know..take a

Enormous difficulties are actually being pointed out by people who touched the Google street view
for several days who become accustomed to the net and are familiar. It can be thought that it is only
an important point.

Various remarks concerning the Google street view of people who become accustomed to the digital
world written on the net on this several and are familiar are actually thin and have an important
point in the newspaper and the television media.

The point of the person who knows fear of the thing that privacy is open to the public in digital
information "The image and the map data open to the public by the Google street view are digitalized
information" is very important. It is a strong sense of crisis that the net and the generation D that the
journalist and the commentator of whom it is basic who is the world of a type and analog TV of the
idea cannot assume, and is not referred keenly feel.

Being describe it in the future is a very important matter.

The feature of digitalized information is a character that uniting with various digital information that
lies scattered on the copy and the net can be facilitated. It is possible easily to copy, to reprint, to
preserve, and to exist in the net world when almost permanent, and digital information that has
flowed out to the net to a thing that cannot be put out and to change once.

It knows the danger to the collation offer of added image information that knows the fear in man
who becomes accustomed to the net, there is not approval, either taken a picture, and open to the
public and map and address.
The original edition knows the possibility of the outflow is not 0 it is left for in-house, and the
employee of the Google Co. can handle it even though deletes the existence of the original edition
image data before it is processed with software for the Google street view opening to the public that
was far recorded and recorded from the image of the Google street view open to the public now in
the clear image in the Google Co..
Neither the comment nor the commentary said for the specialist to the Google street view of the
mass communication, TV commentator's privacy problem, and misgivings on crime prevention seem
not to have been printed on paper like the newspaper and the entire magazine, etc. or to have gone
out of the region that has privacy, the media concept, and the image in the age that includes only the
analog video record etc. and was talked now. In the meaning, you might declare that all are old
-fashioned commentaries.
Information, the privacy problem in the age that became a problem by a past magazine, the
newspaper, and the analog information, and the seriousness of the dimension at all are faced in a
quite new individual information, privacy, and question of personal rights in digital age and the net
age and it faces us in all members.

The Internet spreads and the human-right violation and the discrimination agitation on a huge
bulletin board become serious problems.

Recently, the following events happen frequently from the delay of the lack of the human rights
enlightenment and the education of the speaker on the spread of the digital photography and the net
and the development of legal systemss to the feature.

Parties concerned and suspect's photographs are contributed to the net when a certain crime case
and suicide event occur, it is copied fast, and it is exposed on the net. The case where going family
structure, family's name, and school, company, permanent address, portable number, and
photograph of face, etc. are contributed to the net has increased malice and for a giggle. It can be
said that every individual who became a target in the Internet world will have faced danger that it is
and all privacies and individual information are for fun exposed on the net even though it is time
when it doesn't relate to the crime. The case where the class photograph at the school appears on
the market when it is a teacher, and others are open to the public of own career and various privacies
for which the case that has become an irreparable situation due to the file outflow accident and a lot
of people do not hope on the net happens frequently. Those people will expect will the match of
home and the place of business image of the Google street view and open to the public in the future.
It is instantaneously discharged on the net aiming at all parts of the world and it becomes
irrecoverable as digital data when almost permanent.

The way things are going, we will make writing "This is an image of criminal home", "This is an
image of the place in the scene of the crime", and "This is victim's house" insensitive on the net many
in the future.
Moreover, the Google Co. digitalizes all information, accumulates wisdom, and can think like the
enterprise that aims at grand digital information world construction and opening to the public that
links it is and all information and knowledge. There is no objection in the speed and the convenience
of convenience and the net use of a retrieval and digital information. However, the appearance of
digitalization, the computer technology, and the Google street view that ties individual information
and them on the information about customers, the staff register, and the net will be imagined at the
Kon futurity when the line of the backbone freezes a little when the misuse is assumed.

Bygones and the age concerning "Privacy and human rights" that has become a problem by a certain
meaning, newspaper, and magazine are the ages when serious various problems of "Digital
information and human rights" extend explosively. at the time of differ quite the quality

The magazine and the newspaper article in printing media tear in the passage of tens of years, are
deteriorated, get scattered and lost, and weaken in people's memories.

However, when the function of the search engine improves today, information that can be disclosed
even once on the net is digitalized and becomes possible to make information that lies scattered in
various places in the net world a moment, to collect, and to display it. The accumulation of individual
information with a digitalized characteristic of data, a possibility of the outflow, various digital
sources, and the developed software makes privacy and individual information face a crisis quite
different from an analog age by collecting the computer, the Internet, the search engine, and the
digitalized data, and beginning of the stage of new fear is symbolized, and no do be known whether
well-known is this Google street view appearance at the people widely either.

The extraction and the retrieval survey are done by processing the fragment of the data that lies
scattered the field in which computers are skillful most variously at a dash and no do be known
whether the Google street viewdata group opening as the one information and one source to the
public is the second acts in a serious, brutal digital information age that exceeded the concept in the
analog age that present media report either.

As for the introduction of an important, of freedom of expression easy of course regulatory control,
the thing that should correspond carefully is understood. However, it is service that has already
created a serious human-right violation on a huge bulletin board etc. in one side and is misused.

People who do not notice the problem because it feels that it is interesting might be large majority.
It might be service being welcomed by a lot of people. However, leaving small number of facts and
small number of people who have caused the serious negative impact for person's people's human
rights and not being permitted in no correspondence are clear.

It can be thought that the change of limitation of the area of opening to the public where the
sightseeing spot and consent were obtained one is neither choices, nor correction, and direction that
the Google Co. can take.
I cannot help aspiring an immediate beginning enlightenment that centers on the social responsibility
of the Google Co., the business liability, human rights, and the privacy problem and the conversation
and the collaborative project with the human rights group because I renew.


for betre to understanding

We do not need Google Street View in Japan4

"A serious problem of proliferating explosively on the day of the service
beginning of street view is watched" (4)/
Manabu Kitaguchi

In addition, it introduces the current state in one weeks from the beginning after the answer is
delivered to FAQ BY Mr.Manabu Kitaguchi's "A serious problem of proliferating explosively on the day
of the service beginning of street view is watched" serial.

It is possible to begin from the following homepage to start the street view.

Because there is an introductory image, too and the manner of operation is explained with the video,
here is recommended in the unexperience. Please click the following by all means by the character of
the visual world to see is to believe to the explanation.
Please see the image for one minute or about two minutes about [rassharu] without thinking that
what kind of thing the palanquin street view that is is is understood well.
The use method by which the place in the showplace in Japanese various places can be visited for
click 1, too it sends with mail, and the point that I easily chose as the blog and the SNS page is put
is explained. The thing that the big teapot in 12 places in Japan will be expanded in the future and
the notification are done.
The operation lever are the plus and the minus, is displayed the world map, and it is understood that
France that serves in the Champs-Elysees street and the narrow area very limited as a result of Japan,
Australia, the controversy, and the cause discussion of just the start of service with the United States
is an area of Google street view and a possible service use now.
On the inside where the new service in which it was interested by the people for the influence
maintenance on the search engine user and the net that became grounds of the income was provided,
the Google Co. that ran in a top runner in a search engine all over the world began service that
created various problems concerning a lot of privacies of people and the discussions for its own
The Google street view service was begun, and explosive amount of information on that was
invented for these several days on the net. It is taken up at early morning and time of daytime, and
the variety show of the television collects the citizens concerns as most significant is occupied every
day and means the retrieval word of the yahoo and Google. Information that notified an affirmative
impression and the service beginning "It was interesting, and terrible" of course overflowed, and it
was a new discovery for me that there were unexpectedly a lot of voices to have misgivings about the
problem on the privacy issue and crime prevention etc. at the same time.
The remark on the nets of the following, interesting blogs and the reproofs, etc. was noticeable, too.

・Feeling the privacy issue with the function of the street view ..".. : here please.
http://www36.atwiki.jp/against_streetview/ 」
・Meeting to which "Google street view is opposite

As for the following blog page where interesting consideration is described, it is possible to think of
reading through worth.
・ Interesting blog page
"2008/08/07: letter to person in Google [ [Wake] thought that street view of Japan is yucky ]"
http://www.higuchi.com/item/385 」
・"google street view
http://blogs.dion.ne.jp/pensiero/archives/7464989.html 」

It can be thought that it is a blog that it is made to think like the speed etc. of the development of
the impression and the technology "Service not accepted easily" in the background of a Japanese
mentality, the dwelling environment concerning the house and the privately owned area, and unlike
with consideration of public space of Europe and America.

Residential road..personal residence..overcrowd..area..unabashedly..take a picture..wide
-ranging..area..open to the public..Japan..this..service..development..limited..only..little..area..open to
the public..permit..France..modest..besides..nations..discussion..picture..rise..still..service..begin..comparis
on..Japan..this..current state..really..every..something..think.Four whole days were passed from
beginning, and a lot of pros and cons to service of Google street view came to be shown on the mass
media and the Internet contribution site, etc. , too.


for betre to understanding

We do not need Google Street View in Japan. It make so many problems in Japan ! 3

"A serious problem of proliferating explosively on the day of the service
beginning of street view is watched. "(3)
..".. day of service beginning of street view
A serious problem of proliferating explosively is watched" (3):

Manabu Kitaguchi

It is the third in this time though it is a serial article entitled "A serious problem of proliferating
explosively on the day of the service beginning of street view is watched". North exit study wrote in
shape to answer a rudimentary question.
It is possible to begin from the following homepage to start the street view.

Because there is an introductory image, too and the manner of operation is explained with the video,
here is recommended in the unexperience. Please click the following by all means by the character of
the visual world to see is to believe to the explanation. 。
Please see the image for one minute or about two minutes about [rassharu] without thinking that
what kind of thing the palanquin street view that is is is understood well.

The use method by which the place in the showplace in Japanese various places can be visited for
click 1, too it sends with mail, and the point that I easily chose as the blog and the SNS page is put
is explained. The notification to which the big teapot in 12 places in Japan will be expanded in the
future is done.

The operation lever are the plus and the minus, is displayed the world map, and it is understood that
France that serves in the Champs-Elysees street and the narrow area very limited as a result of Japan,
Australia, the controversy, and the cause discussion of just the start of service with the United States
is an area of Google street view and a possible service use now.

On the inside where the new service in which it was interested by the people for the influence
maintenance on the search engine user and the net that became grounds of the income was provided,
the Google Co. that ran in a top runner in a search engine all over the world began service that
created various problems concerning a lot of privacies of people and the discussions for its own


for betre to understanding
We do not need Google Street View in Japan 2

2008 In October The 01st.
"A serious problem of proliferating explosively on the day of the service beginning of street view is watched. "(2)
..".. day of service beginning of street view
A serious problem of proliferating explosively is watched. "(2)
:Manabu Kitaguchi

"Street view" passes from the Japan service beginning 36 hours, and writing "High-tech
electronic village name of a place total [**]" and "It is a street view and B district striped
mullet striped mullet" and threads gush by 2 channels and movable blogs (one to move
rolling and URL), etc.
The news such as privacy, the question of personal rightss, and successions of the lawsuit
was not paid to attention in Japan though the response of various foreign countries of watching
etc. had seen the development of the street view of the United States for one and a half years.

At first, the privacy of the Google Co. and the consideration of human rights burn to the fold
of the service beginning in 8 cities in the United States as having weakened when take
a picture having been limited person's little early morning develops service with 100 cities
or more.

Similar service was developed delaying the map company in Japan a little. The mail address
was registered during half a year from being able the dance and it became a system named
inspection free of charge though everyone was able to inspect freely at first by service
"Location view".

"Location view" is also thin consideration to privacy and the human rights shown by
"Street view" when the Google Co. begins at first, and has opened the street in the region
in the Osaka city various places that "Street view" of Google doesn't cover to be discriminated
to the public like considering privacy now thin now.
(The image map location view is a city image database to be able to see the appearance of
the street 360 times by being able to go to the place in which it wants to go on the personal
computer, and halting in all azimuths. )

Because "Street view" also expands the area fast, it is thought sooner or later that a Japanese
whole area is covered.

It is ..service.. ..raising a red flag.. [teorimasu] in France , saying that "Collide with a French
constitution". Service is in EU of the order for improvement to a sharp sense of human rights
to the privacy problem such as Italy, an active discussion, and Google and judicial authorities
like the judgment etc. and Canada and there are lobbying of various movement for the human
rightss and fights in the background that cannot be begun ....Britain.. Germany, Canada, and

The sense of the common people like privacy and human rights, etc. was judged in Japan and
thin and the Google Co. seem to have judged it. Service had begun in Japan and Australia the
day before yesterday.

The village problem exists in Japan. The discrimination against outcast people is flapped
and the digital camera photograph in the village that is discriminated, and discriminated
continues for these ten years or more of having opened the putting malice to the public to
the blog and HP having it in the discovery of anonymous bulletin board of Japan where a
cruel discrimination agitation and writing happen in succession, back site, and electronic
version name of a place total [**], regions, and the addresses. Discrimination event on net
to which malignancy recently is increased. Animal rights group..swindle..discrimination
against outcast people..agitation..Ainu..race..discrimination..resident from South and North Korea
..stay in Japan..foreigner..hinder..discrimination..every year..intense..increase..computer..technology..technology..development..hardware..performance
gain..together..malignant..extend..show..avert..become..adverse effect..inspection..person..cause..think.
A lot of people certainly expect and this service can be called one of the welcomed services.

deal of harm..receive..people..conversation..lack..service..begin..regrettable..method..provide.

For instance, in view of the victim with the traffic accident, the assailant is a driver.
However, the company that manufactured the car is doing the scholarship and the campaign
finance to children who lost parents in road accidents' children in the meaning like the conscience
and the social justice etc. of the social responsibility and the enterprise. A major carrying company
is also so. It can be said that a part of the social responsibility of business enterprises will be borne though it is not an immediate assailant.

I think that Google that supplies and has managed the system is a meaning irrelevance that
is though those who discriminate misuse very though suffered by people of the people small
number of people and discrimination very. If there is no direct accountability. It has a similar
desire for the enterprise that has managed a huge bulletin board. However, the action to the
pro-human right is expected at the same time than leaving the human-right violation loose.

A natural nation is a road maintenance and construction, is a safety training, maintains the
licensing degree etc. , and works on the enlightening activity if the car appears. It is an age said
that negatively affecting the environment and contributing to the society of various enterprises
from consideration to exhaust emissions regulations and the global environment as a responsibility
of the motorvehicle manufacturing company are natural.

The village problem exists in Japan, and new service of the Google Co. keeps writing the
discrimination agitation and the discrimination description from the insufficiency of the education
and enlightenment as the pleasant surprise of those who discriminate by saying in "Two channels",
"Enshrine it".
It can be said that the Google Co. that admits with the world enterprise that loves the global
company and the justice that does a contribution big as for the education and the culture should
immediately begin the responsibility and the contribution to society as the enterprise only of
Google for the activity in the pro-human right of human rights, the anti-discrimination of Japan,
the unpleasantness, and Asia Pacific region in the future.

First of all..Japan..human rights..group..discrimination..minority..Asia..Pacific Ocean..cover..international..movement for the human rights..positive..investigation of actual
responsibility..discrimination..pro-human right..project..enlightenment..big..power..funding

Service "Location view" that the Japanese map company is doing is a problem. It is necessary to
match, to attract in the action of the enterprise in the future, and to attract attention in the social

When this was one cultural invasion, a French government was announcing that they assisted by the
nation and made service that was more high-quality and more similar than Google to oppose the
Google earth satellite photograph inspection and the profitable seeing in street service from the sky.

One nine-hundred-pound gorilla's act of the average of the globalization becomes, and variously
service is pressed disregarding the possession existence, and the globalization and the feeling line of
the backbone of the culture become cold various social troubles, manners, and lights.

Characteristics of the region, the tradition, and the culture are supported, and what should consider
the diversity of the race and the diversity of the society and it are important.

When the following are clicked, it shifts to the screen of the Google street view.

Tokyo Tower

Osaka Station(Osaka)

August 5, 2008
Manabu Kitaguchi


(journalist-net and human rights journalist's association; secretaries-general)

- - - -
Material in the past(1)
It starts Google and "Street View" French version. ――Taking a picture beginning of Paris the town
Makoto 27 distribution per 16 o'clock May 12 Computerworld.jp

To collect data for the "StreetView" function offered some time ago by serving the map of this
company "Google Maps", United States Google began taking a picture of the Paris town. Street View is
a function to display the scenery of the town seen from the ground, and the offer has been begun
since May, 2007. However, there is a law concerning severe privacy in France. Therefore, there seems
to be a possibility of developing into the lawsuit problem, too, when opening it to the public without
editing the photograph. (henceforth abbreviation)

It introduces it into Street View of Google Maps "Face scumble".
Makoto eight distribution per 17 o'clock May 13 ITmedia news

"Shadeed off" came to enter the face ITmedia.

The reform of the image of Manhattan District of New York was talked about to the privacy problem
with Street View of Google Maps executing (abbreviation) and partially as for U.S. Google on May 12.

- - - -
Material in the past(2)

It is pros and cons to new service "Street View" of Google.
Sentence: Daniel Terdiman(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality communications Ltd. and [notsuneko] Taki
2007/06/21 16:
・・・・(abbreviation)The shot image was presented from the sky by "Google Earth", the spectacle of the
street corner was projected with Street View, and the voice "Does the nature end if it did to where?"
began to come out to Google that pursued the customer's behavior by the cyberspace. As blogger's
Mr. Michael Rasmussen wrote as a comment on Street View by own blog Boing Boing"Thrill
completely ..that.. ..the street... "
Activist group Privacy International in Britain announced the report that severely criticized Google on
June 9, 2007. Google is "In contradiction to privacy" enterprise according to it, and the evaluation is
the lowest on the privacy issue when the main website mesne of 20 or more.

Google Maps Street View has been enumerated by [yaritama] in this report. "The case where the
technique and the technology are offered without an appropriate conference with general people is
not few (for instance, view at the road level)". "The case where the technique and the technology are
offered without an appropriate conference with general people is not few (for instance, view at the
road level). "Google is other "There is a record to have been disregarding the anxiety concerning
privacy. " (broadcast notification). "A new method of observing the person is sure to be included in
the company announcement of Google. "
Many of a predominant position and the number of users in can share between "Diversity and
uniqueness" of the product in addition to "It involves some invasion of privacy or the technology and
the technique that might be violated are used forcible" and products according to this report data and
the market are the reasons why the ranking of Google becomes the lowest. ・・・・(abbreviation)
NGO HP in British privacy question
A Race to the Bottom - Privacy Ranking of Internet Service Companies

A Race to the Bottom: ?Privacy Ranking of Internet Service Companies
(It is English HP. )
- - -
It changes to whether "Street View" and the privacy measures policy of Google Maps are close.
Sentence: Elinor Mills(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Editorial department
2007/08/23 12:46
Google has bathed in the fulmination from the privacy protection group by taking a picture of an
individual numberplate of the face and the car, and having opened it to the public in "Street View" of
Google Maps. This company enabled only the person in question who was able to specify that it was
his face at first to apply for the deletion of the image.
However, Google changed the policy according to the criticism to close. The change in the policy is
received, and it will be said to Google that you can delete it at the future according to retrieval
product of Google and improvement charge vice president Marissa Mayer of convenience if
information on the numberplate and the face that can specify the individual is applied even if it is not
a person in question.
- - -

It is fear of the collision. "Street View" of Google Maps and the privacy act of Canada
Sentence: Elinor Mills(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Chieko Nakamura and [kotowariko] Kobayashi
2007/09/13 19:59
The high-resolution imagery of the "Street View" function of Google Maps is said that the privacy
commissioner in this country will talk as might the collision with the privacy act of Canada because of
there is a possibility that the citizens taken a picture of are not recognizing it in the place where "The Canadian Press" reported.
It is service that has been being provided in the main nine cities of the United States since May,
2007 though Street View cannot be used in Canada yet. (henceforth abbreviation)
- - -
"Street View" round of Google Maps and invasion of privacy lawsuit
Sentence: Elinor Mills(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Editorial department
2008/04/07 11:43
It was assumed that the married couple in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania had had Street View of Google
Maps violated privacy, and appealed for Google.
Plaintiff's Mr. Aaron Borings and Mr. Aaron Borings describe that home was bought at the end of
2006 because of being in "It was clearly marked , saying that 'Private road'" place of the article was in the interior from the road.
Google Street View expanded the range of the service offer to Pittsburgh in October, 2007. Mr. and
Mrs. Borings say that it could not help noticing home be able to be recognized clearly on the map,
and evaluating the real estate value low besides "Emotional distress" is received according to the
petition. (henceforth abbreviation)
- - -
It protects one's privacy from Google Street View". --It is a discovery new method in Alaska.
Sentence: Stephen Shankland(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Editorial department
2008/05/08 15:40
An effective method of defending bodying from a nosy glance of "Google Street View" was found. Privacy advocates are checks necessary.
It is only an ordinary plastic bag that uses by the method.
(henceforth abbreviation)
- - -
The face scumble technology is introduced into the Street View function of Google and Google Maps.
Sentence: Stephen Shankland(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: [Yukisususato]
2008/05/14 08:28
From UPDATE Burlingame, California--To deal with the privacy problem concerning the digital camera taking a picture of "Google Street View" exposed to the criticism that it began to copy all the
one, Google began the test of the technology that blurred the face.
Mr. John Hanke who served as Google Earth and the Google Maps charge director clarified to this
technology the adoption of the computer algorithm that shadeed off the image after the this company
image-database of the photograph of face had been retrieved compared with the interview at the
Where 2.0 conference held in this place.
According to the announcement of blog "Google LatLong" of Google(omission)
Street View causes the anxiety about privacy excluding the problem of a mere photograph of face.
There is a person who dislikes beginning copy of the house where I live for instance on the inside,
too. However, many of clamors also have been installed now since time when Google began Street
View in May, 2007. (henceforth abbreviation)
- - -
3D data is additionally collected with taking a picture of Google and "Street View".
Sentence: Stephen Shankland(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Ryo Ogata and Yoichi Fukuoka
2008/05/16 11:19
Google was admitted to take a picture of online services "Street View" and to collect 3D data
additionally on May 15 in time in the United States. It might be good news to be good on the
computer and on the city to fly about like the superman for the people who dream. (henceforth
- - -
It worries about "Street View" of the European Union and Google.
Sentence: Stephen Shankland(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Editorial department
2008/05/16 15:22
New service "Google Street View" of Google might become a problem also in Europe if offered. The
data protection organization of European Union (EU) clarified such an opinion on a local May 15 in
time. (henceforth abbreviation)
- - -
A small town in Minnesota state and the image deletion of "Google Maps" are demanded.
Sentence: Steven Musil(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: [Minoruotto] Yoshitake and
Takamori [****]
2008/06/02 13:38
To delete the image of the town from "Street View" of "Google Maps", a small town in Minnesota
state demanded from Google.
North Oaks in this state is a private community with which it is located in the north of state capital
St.Paul, and 4500 people live. All are resident's privately owned areas in the road in this town, and
the town dweller :. (henceforth abbreviation)
(henceforth above-mentioned article English press report)
The United States newspaper article
North Oaks tells Google Maps: Keep out - we mean it
The St. Paul suburb with private roads may be the first U.S. city to ask that street images be
removed.(henceforth abbreviation)
- - -
"Street View" and the British privacy watchdog of Google are the posture of the allowance.

Sentence: Marguerite Reardon(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Midori Yagura and Yoichi Fukuoka
2008/08/01 12:37

It seems to have managned to admit "Google Street View" from the side where eyes were made to
shine the United States outside in invasion of privacy.
The intention of the allowance was shown from the privacy watchdog in Britain about Street View
that brewed the cause discussion. Street View takes the photograph on the street by using a special vehicle where the panoramic camera was installed. As for this digital image, it is used as one of the
functions of the online map service, and everyone can see the appearance of the street in various
The privacy protection group in Britain assumes that it involves some invasion of privacy, and it
might violate the law concerning the data protection, and, up to now, has criticized Street View. The
reason for the one that it is possible to identify it such as person's faces and numberplates of the car
is that there is an anxiety that specific and the pursuit of the individual that is reflected in the image
might be done to the clue.
However, Independent Establishments Information Commissioner 's Office(ICO) of Britain that
supported the protection of personal information was announced to took an enough precaution so
that Google might prevent invasion of privacy according to the report of BBC on July 31 in time in the
United States, "Satisfy it". (henceforth abbreviation)

The above-mentioned article BBC report
July, 2008
Google Street View gets go ahead

- - - -
The Sankei Shimbun net article(part)
It is Google from the sex hotel to entertainer's home. "Street view"
Makoto the Sankei Shimbun 41 distribution per ten o'clock August 6


"Street View (street view)" function of the topic was added to online map service "Google map"
Japanese version that U.S. Google (Google) Co. of the net retrieval biggest business was offering. It is
"Virtual stroll" function of the sense that enjoys scenery because it walks literally on the street while
doing the rotation operation 360 times as for the panorama shot of the screen. It reflected by chance
and the privacy of a crowded person was put in question though service was begun in the United
States last May. In this Japanese version, it is likely to be misused to so-called personal inquiries and
the police and the election campaign compared with the United States in the background of a special
social structure. (omission)
How do it become it if misused when this information finds employment, buys the real estate, and
contracts the lease?
When "Site confirmation" is done from the parents' family and guarantor's address on the street view,
..".. [kono].
Person's parents' family shall not be unexpectedly a boro" It is likely to be assessed only by the face
while not knowing about "Public management apartment of a housing complex of the lease though
said the condominium" etc. and the person in question.

"Welcome to B district" close riot occurred as for personal inquiries in last spring. A lot of kinds of
"Village list with the name of a place" remain on the net in the tip of the iceberg as for this matter
now though the site where it had introduced the old this harmony district that is called so-called
"Village to be discriminated" in the name of a place addition photograph was deleted by the
indictment of the prefecture branch of Village Release Union.
However, this street view conceives danger of pushing aside such "Riot" under the surface of the
water. Only it is often deleted because it is caught by the character retrieval in which Google is
exactly skillful as stated above by "Report", and the time of the copy of the address so far for the
street view. The address in the old this harmony district was appended and there was already
writing, word and "Is here Allais?". Especially, "Village address" of this harmony measures business
estimated to be 15 trillion yen and the scandal of the executive of Village Release Union might spread
on the net because there are a lot of critical opinions (spread).
Of course, easy use is thought not to say it develops into the discrimination problem. The police for
instance are E-mails for the confirmation of the garage certificates)(for attention as for the address of
* specific political party, and virtual do election campaign - etc. , and there seems to be no
Last update: 10:50 August 6
(henceforth abbreviation)

- - -

The Google Maps street view is too terrible and two [chan] : to the festival.

The Google Maps street view is too terrible and two [chan] : to the festival.
When the cod etc. think because it reflects, it cannot be slightly thought the somebody else's problem
in the seen amount though it is possible to laugh. Hoe rose hoe rose.
:2008.08.05 23:52
feelings badness [i] . . . The nerve that takes such a photograph even without replacing reflecting
people with me without permission and throws without permission is unbelievable.

There already seems to be a settled site.
How what is [tekakore] in privacy ^^;?

:2008.08.06 09:53
The laundry dried on our outside was without any mistake reflected, too. Moreover, to black pants by
dependence. 。。This time, I want you to notify beforehand neatly coming to take a picture. The
coconut tree is decoration [toite] and in front of a house will be [ruwai] . next time if it does so.


Google Street View and Japan Human Rights


2008 In October The 01st.
"A serious problem of proliferating explosively on the day of the service beginning of street view
is watched" 1.
Street view and service beginning
Watch a serious problem of proliferating explosively.
:Manabu Kitaguchi

The service of the Google Co. was begun in Japan on August 5. The discussion about
privacy and the question of personal rights springs in the United States, and as for the
service of Google [sutori-tobyu] that goes up, the service beginning in Europe depends
contrary to a lot of human rights NGO and is bet stop. However, the discussion of neither
media nor the citizens and service has started in Japan, too. People who write the interesting
[okashiku] discrimination agitation a huge influence to a peculiar discrimination problem
to Japan, especially on the bulletin board start up the thread "High-tech electronic name
of a place total [**]" immediately after beginning of service, and are writing the image in the
region to be discriminated fast. The discussion has boiled from the thought of the privacy
protection of the government to this service of the Google Co. like the criticism and France,
etc.As for this service beginning in Japan, a big anxiety and the misuse were able to be expected
from the existence of a malignant anonymous discrimination bulletin board. The expectation
has become the one of the reality.

As for something, I would like seeing the following explanation it with the Google street view.
And, the thread and writing "High-tech electronic name of a place total [**]" have already been
mass-produced with a huge bulletin board and the blog including "Two channels".
Long large URL in the the lower flies to images of the street views of various places.
It advances and it retreats when a white arrow on the road is clicked. The zoom function
is provided, too. It informs them of scenery in the place at once when the name of a place
is put in the retrieval, and the spectacle of 360 degrees can be seen, and it can inform
others of the image and the map with mail as follows.
The civic group and the human rights group concerning human rights and the privacy of
all parts of the world keep protesting though the report is not done.

It has a big disappointment feeling in beginning of Japan where it has a serious problem
of village problem this service easily following the United States. As for a tidy Japan discussion,
privacy, and human rights of this service, disappointment is also large in journalism in Japan
that doesn't report on the village problem of occurring and the problem of an anonymous
bulletin board at all until present. I want to expect it in the future.

The Google Co. started service to which a big problem was created in an easy service
beginning in the country that had a peculiar discrimination problem named Japan. It is
thought that it is necessary to do the conversation and [hiyaringu] with the human rights
group in Japan immediately. When posture in which the victim person concerned asks people
who feel the pain in the mind the influence of its own service face to face is "Justice",
I do not become possible to think it.
The Google Co. contributes to the enterprise compared with human rights NGO, the human
rights material center, and the human rights laboratory, etc. that work on the question of
personal rights about the whole area of the Asia Pacific Ocean if it is possible to be able to do.
It is shown that it is a company of not despising of the Google Co. human rights,
and I think it is strong on the day of the Japan service beginning a social contribution
and the accomplishment of the duty when big power and support should begin.
The service that began today and the misuse of the anonymous bulletin board are watched
at half a day, and these sentences are written hastily.
A part of past passage and the reference data is put on the following.

A tidy analysis and the manuscript are the opinions that will improve one of these days.

In haste

Reference data
- It begins also in the function and "Street view" Japan of the Google map.
In the Google map, it ..function.. will use it "Street view" from which the scenery of the
road is seen also in Japan possible.
Google added "Street view" function to display the scenery of the road seen from
the ground in "Google map" on the fifth. Outskirts in Tokyo, Osaka, Sendai, Sapporo,
and Hakodate correspond to the street view display now.

Http://japan.cnet.com/special/story/0, 2000056049, 20351050, and 00htm appealed for by
"Street view" of Google and invasion of privacy

It is pros and cons to new service "Street View" of Google.
Sentence: Daniel Terdiman(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality communications Ltd. and [notsuneko] Taki
2007/06/21 16:00

British privacy protection group HP
A Race to the Bottom - Privacy Ranking of Internet Service Companies
It changes to whether "Street View" and the privacy measures policy of Google Maps are close.

Sentence: Elinor Mills(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Editorial department
2007/08/23 12:46
"Street View" round of Google Maps and invasion of privacy lawsuit
Sentence: Elinor Mills(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Editorial department
2008/04/07 11:43

3D data is additionally collected with taking a picture of Google and "Street View".
Sentence: Stephen Shankland(CNET News.com) ? translation proofreading: Ryo Ogata and Yoichi Fukuoka
2008/05/16 11:19


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